Best Klans In Baseball!
Best Klans In Baseball!
Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.
I don't want to live on this planet rock anymore.
I said the same thing. My ex-wife disagreed.
As long as we can also agree that he didn’t have the highest WAR last season, at all, by any stretch of accounting or imagination. He did lead the league in Bret The Hitman Hart impressions though, and I feel like that should factor in.
I mean, and gay women continued to be marginalized, abused murdered, legally discriminated against while at the same time being treated as a titillating fantasy to sell shit to guys, just sort of propelled along by things like that. But w/e, you’re right, nobody’s feelings got hurt!!
Her attorney is garbage.
Not surprised that Josh Smith has found yet another way to leave his taint on the game of basketball.
Such a play is known as a Kobe, as it allows you to pass to yourself and involves an asshole.
“Hello, friends! Which one of you wants to pull really hard on my necktie while I jerk myself off to completion?”
It might be time for the Mets to convert Harvey into a reliever.
The kids call him “G-d Shammg-d.”
Oh no, it’s totally legal, that’s why the can was covered in tape, the referees replaced the ball and there is an article on Deadspin.
As a college freshman I somehow got onto a beer pong table at a random frat party without getting pushed off by some drunk fraternity brother and lo and behold my opponent was Heath Miller and another football player. My partner and I looked at each other, bracing ourselves for the epic matchup, future story, and new…
I played beer pong with Justin Tuck in college at ND as he lived down the hall from us. He hit every cup he threw at, but he wouldn’t throw randomly - he would (1) ask who was drinking on the opposing team, (2) if you were thirsty (always) and (3) which cup you’d prefer to drink. He then hit that cup every damn time.…
Cue all the imbeciles who won’t get the joke in the headline. I’ve already fallen for this shit. Put another W in the win column for the Warriors. Winning 112-95 against the Lakers still counts as a win Deadspin!
A season is just as scientific as a year or day. A year is one complete rotation of the earth around the sun. A day is a complete rotation of one point on the Earth around the axis of the Earth. A season is the period of time between the equinox and the solstice. Rotationally from the farthest point on the ellipse the…
Oh shit, I bet they’ve never thought to apply basic arithmetic to their advertising practices! You’re a genius!