2 Broke Gorillas

Have you seen the alt-left sub-reddits? They're all talking about being 100% PC and want to force their radical acceptance of black people not getting shot by police!

People.. some very smart people are saying that he is a clown. I don't know… but some people are saying it…

The counter-protesters were very very violent.

These days, "white nationalist" is a euphemism for "white supremacist" and "republican" is a euphemism for the love-child of Ebeneezer Scrooge and Joseph Goebbels.

"Oh, and the fucking rabbits, George. Can I feed those bitches alfalfa?"

I thought "Pick 6" was Jared Goff's future restaurant chain.

You know what else is a lie? Free will!

I heard he wrote that song that isn't "Sweet Home Alabama" while getting fitted at his favorite Paris milliner.

Jeff Dunham's hands weren't even made out of puppets!

Kid Rock—dude doesn't even wear a shirt and probably smells like ass too.

Just a word to the wise about black people—from an actual black person…

If you use it just once, you'll need an alignment. I think you can get that, plus a full diagnostic, for only about $30 though.

This has three things that I've done in the last week 1) go to a cemetery, 2) sit in a hospital waiting room, and 3) clean/break dishes.

"It can be two things".

I was gonna ask what "ship" meant. I thought they had some special category since Titanic came out…

Post-Trump-impeachment President Pence says…

They actually need to watch more porn and violent movies…

They have to earn affordable homes by fighting the world war that we will start by ignoring obvious red flags!

At least we'll show them by leaving them with higher student loan debt!

"And the winner for every category of the Baby Boomer's Choice Awards is…."