2 Broke Gorillas

*sips tea and relaxes to the sound of hatchbacks driving in the distance*

The New Yorker did an excellent piece on the Texas legislature that was also horrifying.

Real America > FAKE NEWS

"It takes a [Russian hacker] to catch a [Russian hacker]"

She wouldn't have let Podesta put his feet on the sofa in the oval office, nor would she have made Chelsea's husband "Secretary of Fixing Infrastructure, Defeating Meth, and Bringing Peace to the Middle East".

Obama got all sorts of America-loving conservatives up in arms when he did a military exercise in Texas — you know, the state with the most military bases in it (or close to it).

Relax, man. You're not yourself when you're hungry…

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing Comey that Hillary's emails didn't matter.

A few times I haven't tipped above 10% because I didn't have enough spare change…

Why can't you just accept that he was just being open and transparent??

Watch Donald Trump Jr. whiff Hannity's soft balls

A sobering reflection.


Wow. You learn something new every day. I can't think of another type of/synonym for "purse". Satchel?

Ceramic, crystal, or real owls?

I somehow own three copies of it, but am so selective of whom I play it with that I haven't touched any of them in a couple of years…

But do you like Uno?

Replaces the words "dick", "mung", and "dildo" with more lady-friendly words, like "handbag", "purse", and "clutch".

Nothing is more fun than a $5.50 bottle of wine and The Net.