2 Broke Gorillas

"It takes a perverted, sadistic monster to catch a perverted, sadistic monster."

These threads always tend to Drogon…

Comey Alone 3

The Siberian Candidate

"Be careful. He has more in common with a spitting cobra than he does a human being."

Obstruction of Justice League

*Takes shirt off, looks in the mirror,… cries into plush Avengers collection*

The Accountant 3: The T-tables have Turned

and pistols…

Orange is the New Whack

In Soviet America, butt suck you!


I hope that this show treats autism with as much respect as did The Accountant.

Why should they care about their healthcare when there are people with dark skin running around, simultaneously kidnapping their daughters and shutting coal mines??

“Arbor Day is the Wimbledon of having sex.”

Fucking is a lie, invented by liberals to ensnare our children!

"Someone should investigate me for these deadly licks. I would also like to reaffirm that no one is under any criminal investigation [that I will ever admit to freely].

A BLACK bear dick too. So many places to go… Glad no one was simple-minded enough to make that joke.

He's a mixture of Huck Finn and a bear, so it's metaphorical paedophilia too.