Gawn Til November

Seriously. I’m debating playing fortnite if more concerts are like this.

Seriously. I’m imagining if concerts were held this way in VR. This is literally one of the collest things I’ve seen done. A virtual concert that felt WELL worth. Ive seen other ‘virtual’ concerts, and they felt like watching a long music video, this felt way better. An interactive virtual concert.

This is the price you pay when exporting to another courtry. There are difference that clash when it comes to language, culture, etc. If you want your media to survive, you need to adapt.

not a problem in the US either. I’ve NEVER had the game load that slow, except maybe the first time I played.

In general, police cant just do that. They have to subpoena the records, which takes a lot of time. Hopefully the parent can access those records quicker.

When was it ever off?

Ticket sales/PPV is only part of the money.
You walk in wearing Nike, believe Nike paid for that. You wearing Addidas jacket, believe Addidas paid for that. That Budweiser logo in the middle of the ring. Believe that they put in BIG money for that.

Def different audience.
This gives Boxing (and MMA) SOME new life, but not sustainable. I give it 2 years before people realize they dont actually like boxing and this fad dies out, again.........

Or celebrity boxing?

Naaa, Mayweather is probably one of the best boxers. His ‘run away’ style is def more strategic than people give him credit for. Theres a reason hes undefeated. He not only controls the fight using his style, but the man is an impressive athlete. That said, person wise, I’d agree Mayweather is probably a POS.

in 10 years? in most major cities thats now.
Businesses and independants big and boldy waving Trump 2020 flags (STILL), signs like “I support the thin blue line”, etc etc.

Also, I’ve never played GTA3, 4, 5, Any Devil May cry, Bioshock, any Witcher Game, no mario Game since Mario 64. All those games could have easily ripped my off in some way (music, photography), and I would have no idea. My point is that not everyone is into gaming, any even those who are dont have time to get around

Would be even less likely now. How many ‘original’ RE4 people do you think are still on staff.

After looking at the photos, theres definitely something to the case. However, I used to work for a radio station. We would receive these CDs of ‘cleared samples from companies. So we know that ANY/ALL audio files that were played from the CD were considered usable while being live. Streaming/archived was a different

I mean I never even really noticed that until today (the inside of the imagine). I can believe someone only came across it recently.

Understand ‘Capcom’ isnt 100 percent aware of the happenings. They probably hired someone who said they were a designer, they reached out to the designer and said “have some sketches by monday”, the designer brought in the sketches, they assume its kosher, and move forward. Considering the time of the imagine, there

The answer is 100% no, but genuinely curious why you would suggest that.

The responses to this post have only confirmed there is no honor amongst thieves. So many people are like “WHAT, THE ROMS WERENT FREE, HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVED!”. Is the expectation is he, or anyone for that matter, would go thru all of this for as a good will gesture? I mean even Robin Hood had to eat.

Definitely. She doesnt need to be banned from southwest, she needs to be banned from taking planes.