Pretty much has universal positive reviews with some pitfalls [bluetooth, wifi only, no internal storage], and it selling out would lead to this not being a dud.
Pretty much has universal positive reviews with some pitfalls [bluetooth, wifi only, no internal storage], and it selling out would lead to this not being a dud.
And honestly, that would make more sense than what his current act of stupidity. It would also make sense to why he keeps flaming conspiracy theories and pushing right wing narrative talking points.
Itll probably go down as one of the biggest business blunders of the 2020s.
Meta. Facebook and Google understands the power of branding. This is why they created Meta and Aphabet Company respectively. Twitter should have done the same. Created a X parent company where twitter is part of that.
Shocked no ones made a ‘go woke go broke’ statement yet.
Unironically public domain rules are fu**ed thanks to disney. But should finally get some relief to that in 2025. Nothing has entered the public domain since 1978.
Naa, its the student in class who ask “what about white history month”, or “is there going to be a day to celebrate straight people”. Its the kid in class who throws a tantrum when the teacher ask them to give someone else a turn.
To them, a non white male is ‘going woke’.
You ever stop to think that maybe its not about you? and if you generally dont care, why comment? You ‘claim’ to have a point, but you create a paradoxical circumstance
While I MOSTLY dont care 1 way or another, having a female protagonist more often than not means the story isnt going to be super cookie damsel in distress or fridging storylines. Companies tend to put more envolvement into a female protagonist, where a man seems to be picked from 1 of 5 main male protagonish
unfortunately, we live in a world were the misogynist have the power.
I remember when Anita Sarkeesian said this about. A decade ago. Funny how very little has changed.
Heres something thats a not so secret in Hollywood. Its about money, and not artistry. They’ll remake, reboot, release the same movive over and over again as long as its profitable. Why take a risk with a new IP when you can ‘invest’ money on a proven IP.
Even then, a 6~7 is really considered average (american standard), 5 or below is considered bad.
Haha, a movie review Captcha. I like it!.
I literally just removed the old version from my steam last week.
I’m interpreting how THEY see it. Not having sex is whatever, but I imagine the incel community sees it as “Women dont like HATE us”, why else would some of the commit such horrible acts of violence.
I dunno. As someone not in that community, it is interesting how they seem ostracize someone who is no longer being ostracized by women (i guess). Its like a group of blind people kicking someone out who suddenly started regaining their vision.
Sadly, we are already past the breaking point where they (its a long list) have become dangerous.
I dont disagree they hate women, but spending extra time review bombing is for attention, otherwise their be no point in writing a review no one would read.