Gawn Til November

I genuinely think articles like this is the reason why they do it. Most of them dont care, but they know theyll get attention by review bombing.

I def thought this performance was... just okay.
It has the interesting stage setup (the smash bros stage design). It has the aesthetics, had the playlist, but it just lacked.

WELP. Stadia RIP.

Yeah, it kills me how people talk about her. She was NEVER a great actor. She was literally hired for her ‘silhouette’. When you see her, you can tell “Oh that characters a bad ass figther”. Outside of that, she couldnt act. So her loss as an actor is... big woop. Shes not going to be in the next fast furious or

honestly i was cheering its return, but I expected it to be a better/modern version of its former, not ‘the same before it got canceled’ form. I could beat it for about a week before feeling like “Man, this is trash”

I felt like the idea of the show was there, but the writing/creativity wasnt. in a world with 24/7hr

You say ‘incorrect call’, but she won. Its like the ending scene in maverick. He went for a royal flush, which is statistically impossible, but he got it.

also, odds are he didnt have more outs statistically speaking, less than 30% chance he pulled a card that would give him any hand

This is what I’m hearing. There are poker ‘fundamentals’ and ‘expectations’ among pros. But since she didnt follow those she must be cheating/bad.

He played the odds and lost. He quite literally played a coin flip hand and lost. his odds of winning were not even significant. He has nothing on the turn, he only had a draw.

That is the literal criteria. Then have some ‘wins’ to back standing. But poker is mainly about pay to play.

I still think she out stupid the other stupid. That said, press wise, i think it makes more sense just to give the money back and not have to deal with the BS that follows instead of trying to explained you out stupided someone else. 

explain to me how all in is the correct play for his hand. I get hes hand was 4-6 suited, with a possible flush draw, but at the end of the day, he was bluffing.

“Conversative mad after they find out Lizzo still exist” should really be the headline.

I think the 1 game that TRIED to do it right was Hawkens, RIP.

This is amazing. Repubs have to make-up a full on production to make demos look bad. Demos just need to replay news clips to make the repubs look bad.

The (eventual) downfall of stadia will because a lot of different factor, some out of stadias control, some at the very fault of stadia

Youtubes auto algorithm gets a bad rap. Of the millions of vids that are uploaded, some wrong is going to get tangled in the web. This is better than no system at all. It will take time for the system to evolve, but lets stop acting like the problem is youtube and not the people who do upload nefarious stuff on the

This is the EXACT reason I stopped playing games like Halo. To me, people like that just suck all the fun out of the game.

Haha, thats a terrible bad‘whataboutism’. But this convo has gotten silly. I’m over it.

I COULD waste my time posting the many links of the thousands of people scams, thousands of hacks, and thousands of crimes linked to crypto (and by proxy NFTs, Blockchain), but I’d be wasting my time, we’ll just agree that you’re being ridiculous and arguing semantics.