Gawn Til November

Right. It’s a thin niche and I gotta imagine most people who would legitimately use it recognize that it’s a luxury are ok waiting for it to come back in stock at $200 rather than the insane $350.

I think this is going to be a crash an burn for most resellers. I def see a reason someone would want this but I cannot see a reason most couldn’t wait a bit for it to get restocked

Just keep flailing until it looks like brilliance.

I don’t doubt that Musk had immediate regrets when he made the legally binding 44b offer, and that if he really could have, he would have pulled out (first time for everything!).

I’ve said before, he was given 44 billion (ish, chump change regardless) by the Saudis to squash one of the leading communication networks that helped the Arab Spring, and hobbled what had been (along with all the bad crap) a really useful source of real-time information and communication for many underrepresented

I’d like to live in a world where we ignore misogynists. I can only imagine it is not the majority of gamers that are upset and just a small percentage of basement dwelling cave trolls. We need to stop giving them the attention they so desperately crave 

This is why user ratings are trash. Say what you will about the validity of putting critics’ reviews on a pedestal, but I can at least trust that rotten tomatoes is reporting opinions from people with a modicum of media literacy who have actually experienced the film and not just the brigading of troll or stan

Just read actual reviews by movie critics or even your favorite Youtube streamer. Still likely a better gauge than randos posting 0 ratings on Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes.

Everybody else finally learning the lesson that Rotten Tomatoes learned in 2019 after Captain Marvel: Make people prove they saw the movie before they rate it.

I’m in the grays so I yelled into the void and said the same thing, but thankfully you are not. LOL

No, gaslighting based on the score would be if the game told the player all racers were weighted the same, and that the player must be imaging that they’re being penalized for being a certain character. The player “feeling tricked or lied to” doesn’t make it gaslighting. Gaslighting is about convincing the person

Yea I kept waiting for something to happen and it just never did

I love Rihanna, and I was really looking forward to this.  But what were you watching? She played the hits. Great. No costume changes, no great choreography. She barely moved. Her outfit was…not great. Sounds like she wore it to cover her pregnancy. No guest stars that joined in with her. Nowhere near Beyoncé level

i know she’s a Bad Person, but we don’t talk enough about how, almost more importantly, she’s a Bad Actress. i’m so fucking glad i don’t have to see her in star wars anymore.

Shit I’d create a twitter account just so I could delete it for Disney money

He’s yet to learn that he’s black and he doesn’t get the same chances as his white counterparts. Also, when are we going to say Jake Lucky is a racist?

Don’t care.

Larry Nasser was accused of abuse many times for over a decade before anyone believed anything.

saying things like "Ms Pac-Man and Ms 'Splosion Man are just two of a host of characters named as derivatives of their male counterparts" or "Hitman: Absolution actively encourages players to kill innocent women and hide their bodies"

It's about how we have serious issues with sexism and misogyny in games, but the only person willing to talk about them regularly makes mistakes or outright wrong statements when she tries to bring them up, which makes some people think "oh my god, she's lying to further her cause." I don't think she's lying - she's