Gawn Til November

Oh I know.
The Fire case is a gray area too actually (I’m no legal scholar either). You can yell fire if the context is suitable and/or quasi reasonable, like in a play, watching backdraft, yatta, but those are nuances most people understand, ultimately you cannot try to intentionally harm people thru use of specific

Christian Conservatives cancel another christian conservative, effectively proving conservative voices are being silenced, to worship a false idol.
Conseption (Inception + Conservative)= The act of the conservative party collapsing on itself by following their own tactics they claim are tactics of others. 

I genuinely think there should be some REAL accountability in these cases. That “free speech” bullshit shouldnt apply when your words lead to real life consequences. Of course right wingers dont agree with that tho.

Oh I loved the UK version. The US version was a joke. Honestly the US version had potential. The main actor/character just wasnt believable. Everyone else they got for the cast was great though!

2021 version of Affluenza

This is what the song “Life on Mars” feels like.
Theres like 4 levels of “who, what, where” going on here.
Didnt know real house wives of Atlanta was a thing. Never heard of the woman in question, never heard of the song mentioned, never even heard of my show.

I think I’ve finally hit that “I’m old’ threshold.

Eh, the Judas Democrats help the republicans not have to say a word “Dont like $15 minimum wage?, dont worry, democrats will help us vote it down”

YEah, for the most part. I do think its not as bad as it was. But far from what should even be tolerated.

Like theres a handful of gay republicans, and a handful of republicans who just dont care. But those are definitely minorities when it comes to the republican party.

oh wow, had to google that. Crazy, it seems this never made it too big. That or i just wasnt paying attention.

I have no issue with running, especially if you have experience and are well versed in the area. But people like Caitlyn Jenner kill me. The Republican party is openly anti trans rights (for the most part), and quasi against LGBT. Why still represent republicans?

There is some ‘truth’ to the idea of cancel culture, but its really not different than any other weaponized efforts to silence someone into submission. The main difference is theres a huge digital component to it now a days.

I hate that this has become such a spectacle. They are basically leading everyone to a very disappoint season finale. Chauvin walk, the ‘blue lives matter’ proud boys, and white conversative cheer...

1992 all over again.

Damn, how long overdue was his bill? They normally wait months before cutting your power.

So she might not be able to get a Tesla right now kinda thing huh. My Brother in law talks about feeling poor. Dude owns 2 homes and 2 teslas. 

I feel like your point was that they were insignificant compared to Woody Allen. 

what is ‘broke’ for celebrities? because I feel broke because I cant afford a house. And honestly, I’m not that broke, rather comfortable really.

um, thats literally the point.

Correction. He’s a rich white famous white man with a voice. The accusers are has-beens and nobodies.

SO thats what Trump meant by locker room talk. Police Locker Room. Go figure.

We should probable be honest. The war against racism, systemic racism pretty much is over. And sadly we lost.

Because if A white guy, showing up to 3 separate ASIAN massage parlors, where he shoot and killed multiple Asian women isnt enough to convince people “racism in America”... nothing really will.