Yes really, Specifically in swimming, cross country, and tennis. I imagine there are other sports were the breakdown is a complete divide.
Yes really, Specifically in swimming, cross country, and tennis. I imagine there are other sports were the breakdown is a complete divide.
You’re going on a transphobic rant and missing my entire point. But you are correct. Kobe, Shaq, LeBron did not complete in girl sports.
I did mention they do this in some manner, but ultimately we are talking about an inherently unfair competition/sport, but people want to draw the lines to exclude a very specific minority of a minority. We are talking about legislation/reform to exclude 1 out of every 150 athletes (as someone noted earlier).
My problem is that is the very heart of the problem is catering to the few. We’re not talking about a race with 100 people in it. We are talking about a race that, at best, were about 20 people.
If we were talking about 150 athletes competing in a sport, maybe theres some weight here. We are talking about 2 athletes vs…
If you havent been heard, Conservative Voices are being silenced. I mean they’ve been posting it on the news, all over twitter, parler, its been seen on TV.
OR is it the perfect image.
Hurdles symbolizing obstacles, where no other lanes have those same hurdles, AND the hurdles being backwards symbolizing the futility of the obstacles, and the lanes recognizing how many others who do not have those same obstacles.
I feel bad for her. I dont think she cared as much as the people around her wanted to care, and pushed her to care.
Eh, assuming there is reward at the end of the tunnel (like monetary means, college scholarships, recruitment) it would matter. People are taking the time to research who you lost to, but where you placed.
I’ve always found it funny/interesting the double standard between separating men and women in general, and how it differs depending the activity by culture/region. It all boils down to being born with 1 sex organ or another.
Your statement falls apart around “2. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
You’re not wrong.... BUT, theres a real and measurable difference between althletes of all sorts. You can argue that ‘male’ vs ‘female’ is a more relatable and consistent one, but does that really matter then?
Like, when you you make change, when do you start separating people into categories? Is it when all tall…
I honestly understand the outrage the republicans have, granted its completely unwarranted/irrational.
I’m genuinely confused by these articles.
They all signed up for a gossip show, knowing Dave Letterman, and what happens on a gossip show. At no point are they forces to answer questions they dont like (unless you consider peer pressure forcing them) and they are free to leave at any time.
I literally cannot name 1 trans athlete. I cannot even name a sport with a trans athlete. I’m willing to bet they really cant either. The fact that this is even a discussion is just insane.
Thats the GOP way. Instead of doing the right thing. They double down on the wrong thing. No apologies, no acknowledgement of fault
And when that doesnt work. Cry white tears, reframe the conversation “Locker room talk”, and blame cancel culture.
I think the original has more life to it. making it 3d makes if feel... emptier for some odd reason. the animated 2D ish look/feel just adds more depth to me.
This is ‘the male gaze’ in action. This is what those pickup artist were all about. Find an everyday girl you desire and break her down to ‘sex’.
“Hey you’re a lawyer? thats interesting... what about sex?”
“Oh you love dogs, putting money towards veterinarian school.. what about sex?”
“Hey nice to meet you.. sex?”
Wheres all those “cancel culture” people at when things like this happen? Ya know, the same people screaming “CENSORSHIP”
Lets say... IT WAS antifa.... and BLM... Lets say in some strange and weird way, you could accurately say it was BLM and Antifa’s fault.... What would it matter? Is he going to suggest mailmen carry around AKs now? Make protest illegal? Or does he just plan on whining about it.
it was late....