Another case of weaponized white tears.
Same people who complain “If theres a white history month, why isnt there a black history month”
Another case of weaponized white tears.
Same people who complain “If theres a white history month, why isnt there a black history month”
The difference in this case is the evidence. You’d be hard press to charge someone for a crime without evidence, in this case, the photos are the evidence, not how/when they were obtained.
The problem is that it really is too broad. While its designed to stop unsolicited dick pics, and other things like that, theres no protection really set up when/if there was ever consent, or if the photos were never sent at all and obtained other ways. Further, theres no protection for if it was ever an accident (in…
Just to clear up any confusion... It was Anteefer
You deserve reddit coins!
I honestly think The Weeknd doesnt have “It” when it comes to carrying a performance in general, and his songs are generally downbeat so its hard to get excited and energetic over them. But to be fair, his performance wasnt the worst of the day. Mylie Cyrus performance was probably on a par with Kansas city!
For me this is Save the Last Dance
my high school allowed parents to opt out of sex ed.
They probably believe people would act in good faith................
USA here!
460K. Pretty much on war with World War 2
WHY? Because human lives are collateral damage when it comes to making money and ‘muh rites!’
“Trump”, “Socialism”, “Radical Left”, “Cancel Culture”, “Censorship”
The workout thing kills me. Everytime they complain about it, then show completely you dont have to go to a gym to work out.
speaking of which, i think im going to invest in peloton.
The problem is, Trump SEEMS like the problem because its the easiest problem to see, because it tweets obsessively, was on TV, etc.
This has been an uncomfortable American truth. White supremacy is part of American culture.
Fun fact, when surveyed, lots of white Americans fears becoming a minority. Why would that be? because in truth, they know white privilege well, and they know what its like being a minority.
You’re not wrong, but he did become president, so he did something right. That or our system is broken. Or both.
Interesting, didnt know that.
Just curious.
I definitely agree.
Like, for him, theres a REAL opportunity to build an ENTIRE empire RIGHT NOW. While his 70 million voters are out there, dont even need to convert them all, converting half of them would work.
On a freemium model, with good conservative content, religious content, and shows that just cater to…
I’m generally curious how much money people will continue to ‘donate’ to him post presidency.
If Trump were smart, he’d start “Trump Media”, and have a tiered ‘freemium’ media plan to extort his followers further, and bring on Kelly whatever her name is and Tomi whatevers.
And build out a Media empire.
If he was even…
And let someone die, for his lies.