Honestly, I’m debating grabbing up a bunch of greek names on all social media now. Haha.
Honestly, I’m debating grabbing up a bunch of greek names on all social media now. Haha.
innocent till proven guilty
And yet there are people who are saying that the father should have deescalated everything by letting them look at his son’s phone.
None of this matters. This is political theater. Its just show for him to spread it thru social media “THE PRESIDENT TAKES DOWN ANOTHER PC-LIBERAL AGENDA”
Think back to him trying to get Ukraine to announce an investigation on Biden. Wouldnt matter the results of that investigation, hes need to show the theatrics of…
This has been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time coming. And not just in the FGC.
Gaming in general has become a super ‘locker room talk’ boys club, and every aspect of it has been affected by it in general. Its not odd coincidence there have been so many allegations of just wrong doing at one time. Remember Gamers Gate?
“Student Arrested For Allegedly Threatening To Bomb Konami, Kill Employees”
That comma placement really implies someone was killed.
I think you’ve confused live-action with CG animation.
I 100% disagree with the ‘washing away history’
You should research ‘the myth of the lost cause’, and really understand who is washing away history
As to the flag, they are definitely free to fly the flag in the comfort of their own homes., they can erect statues to who ever they want in their living room, in their…
Meh, scores are fine
The people are the problem.
While people dont 1—% agree on what score menas what, you can always define that with info and examples.
“10 is no flaws, example game ABC, 5 is flawed but doable, example XYZ, 1 is flawed bugged game, example 123"
But fixing vindictive people is the problem.
Are you being sarcastic?
Interesting factoid I did not know.
11 states have 23 Confederate holidays or observances in their state codes. Some States celebrate Robert E Lee on MLK day.
7 states celebrate (or have celebrated) Confederate History Month [Alabama, Florida, Georgia Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Virginia].
Yea, Juneteenth should be a…
Theres HBO Go, HBO Now, HBO Max.
I had to google it many times, because I had HBO via Amazon.
At the end of the day though, HBO max was cheaper for a year then what I was paying, and there was no indication HBO amazon was going to transition to HBO max, so I…
My advice, brush up on some storage management! Thats like 30% of the game.
or a good Mario Party. Game has been going downhill since 8. I’m not saying 8 was great, but it was def the start of the significant decline, in my opinion anyway.
thats weird,on my PC I’ve been using mine for No Man Sky.... And the stadia button opens my steam. Not quite sure what I did wrong (or right for that matter).
Its more of a indecent exposure case, not privacy. The case argued is indecent exposure to children. I think the argument the prosecution was making was “private or not does not excuse the indecent exposure”. Ideally this would only be the case if children were exposed to by a stranger and not someone they knew.
Not a lawyer, but I spend a lot of time in courts (I’m literally writing this from a Judge assistance desk as we speak).
Its an interesting note to make. The judge is merely enforcing the law on the books, which they are technically supposed to due impartially.
Thats a very interesting ruling.
I think the case the prosecution was making was indecent exposure to children. More likely because the kids werent her children.
Its an interesting case to say the least. If I were naked in my home and your (hypothetical) children saw me naked, even though there was no ill intent,…
They do/dont. I cant tell you for sure I have a past (long story, but mostly identiy theft), I was on for about 7 months before ever getting flagged by uber. Lyft, day 1 was denied.
Sadly this wont be hard far enough. This should be in text books, this should be part of video gaming curriculum, this should be taught in schools.