Gawn Til November

Interesting factoid I did not know.
11 states have 23 Confederate holidays or observances in their state codes. Some States celebrate Robert E Lee on MLK day.

7 states celebrate (or have celebrated) Confederate History Month [Alabama, Florida, Georgia Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Virginia].

Yea, Juneteenth should be a


Theres HBO Go, HBO Now, HBO Max.

I had to google it many times, because I had HBO via Amazon.
At the end of the day though, HBO max was cheaper for a year then what I was paying, and there was no indication HBO amazon was going to transition to HBO max, so I

My advice, brush up on some storage management! Thats like 30% of the game.

or a good Mario Party. Game has been going downhill since 8. I’m not saying 8 was great, but it was def the start of the significant decline, in my opinion anyway.

thats weird,on my PC I’ve been using mine for No Man Sky.... And the stadia button opens my steam. Not quite sure what I did wrong (or right for that matter).

Its more of a indecent exposure case, not privacy. The case argued is indecent exposure to children. I think the argument the prosecution was making was “private or not does not excuse the indecent exposure”. Ideally this would only be the case if children were exposed to by a stranger and not someone they knew.

Not a lawyer, but I spend a lot of time in courts (I’m literally writing this from a Judge assistance desk as we speak).
Its an interesting note to make. The judge is merely enforcing the law on the books, which they are technically supposed to due impartially.

Thats a very interesting ruling.
I think the case the prosecution was making was indecent exposure to children. More likely because the kids werent her children.

Its an interesting case to say the least. If I were naked in my home and your (hypothetical) children saw me naked, even though there was no ill intent,

They do/dont. I cant tell you for sure I have a past (long story, but mostly identiy theft), I was on for about 7 months before ever getting flagged by uber. Lyft, day 1 was denied.

Sadly this wont be hard far enough. This should be in text books, this should be part of video gaming curriculum, this should be taught in schools.

What Travel Router do you have/recommend?

I genuinely dont think FF13 or F15 is as bad as its made out to be. While I do think FF13 is one of the weaker FFs (possibly the last if you ranked them), what I think, if anything, is the amount of voice the people who didnt like it have.

I think we live in a society were mistakes, imperfects, are plain dislike go to

Damn, I read those petey files and still didnt get he was Lubeman.

I think that “black bitch” is an homage to higher learning, which starred Regina King. Where the guy shes arguing with (who doesnt look highly on black people) called her a black bitch.

Specifically “Put her on the phone you black bitch”
BUT i could be mistaken.

In all seriousness...
What do you/we want?

I’m asking in good faith, no cruel intention. Yes he sexually harassed/assaulted her in public on national TV. Not trying to belittle/mitigate anything.
Fast Forwarding.... What should be the end result? him lose his job? criminal charges & jail time? public scrutiny? Should he

She could probably sue for damages too. She was basically assaulted in public, she could say now she has a fear of doing interviews in public, thus making her career path almost incapable of doing because of his actions. 

hahaha, I like this answer!

Whats really amazing is how that makeup hides his horns and hooves, I guess he just tucks the tail in.

My only problem with Stadia, no party “we can all play together” games.

Tetris, Jack box games, classic arcarde games, give me something!

Honestly, I dont like the way the article lays out its arguments.
I feel like tha final argument is ‘Renting and buying is okay” but to get to that point it does all it can to make renting sound better than buying. Really downplaying the benefits of buying.