Gawn Til November

This movie fails on many levels.

Only redeeming qualities were the film style, soundtrack (granted the 80s synth thing is starting to get old) and actor portrayals. Lacked and real character development, sensible plot/story. It was like stuffing 2~3 movies worth of material in 1 movie.

I think the biggest problem with

People should really READ the review. Thumbs up/down, Like/Dislikes or stars are arbitrary and its mostly a personal experience thing. Everyone is different and will rate the same experience very differently

To me Major Payne is a 5 star movie. To someone else who likes the movie might think its 4 star. and so on.

Honestly, I think if they would have just ditched the game and went with just a CG cinematic, it would be better.

I seriously just watched both as a movie on youtube (someone put all the cinematics together)
If they would have just fleshed it out like a movie, so awesome

The game sucks
BUT the intros and cinematics makes the game worth a buy.

What you NEED to get married.
Wedding official, 2 witnesses.

Now playing


JK, but damn. I’m starting to feel like a stereotype of myself

I’ve always argued for 3 stock, even online.
2 stock doesnt allow for ‘miraculous’ come backs, its pretty much like an all or nothing.
You can lose 1 stock on an opps, or just bad play, but having 2 extra stock gives you more comback potential

I’m just glad weed is become legal. People can STOP asking me if I sell weed.

Seems like a explanation of “the prisoner’s dilemma”

Yea I get that, but they do still have a choice in games.

I think the older MKs arent actually that bad tho, not perfect, but not bad. But injustice is like... the bad parts of MK. Its super jerky, and just mostly unappealing. They shoulda skiped making the game. take all the cgi movies and just produce a series. It

I honestly think this years Evo picks in games was just bad.

I think Melee should be retired especially if you’re going to include the enw smash. GG and BB are like different versions of the same type of game. Killer Instinct should still have a place.
Injustice isnt that great of a game (gameplay wise, awesome story

I think universally people are taught black inferiority. Almost doesn’t matter what ethnic/nationality you are, they have some black inferiority complex.

I agree with you, its like another version of the “White savior”. Like the “white damsel” or something.

Definitely a point in releasing it. Just a friendly reminder about how fucked up things really are.

Another Murderer on the streets, and another innocent man dies.

That is tight!
Coffin>Limo everyday all day

THANKS, now I dont have to explain this anymore, and just post this image!

dunno, being a singer in any country comes with 1 major benefit.... the girls.

I’m in a Street Fighter V group, and this gif was posted up, and yea, basically a bunch of guys commenting about Chun li in a sexually inappropriate manner. BS like this is why Anita Sarkeesian’s work is so important.