Gawn Til November

If someone in the comments knows how the hell they justify this new Shadowcat power, let me know — right now the best explanation I've come up with is "fuck."

  • How's PS4 ownership been for you, so far? So far, Great. I played different games that I originally expected, Resogun being my most played game, but overall, I enjoy.

Those 'rip offs' are mostly purposely. But damn I really wanna play Star Fox 64 now.

Obviously, they are taunt that "this isnt the 1970s", and we're all equal. They are taught "we've reached the promise-land"

I find it sad that.... no one found this sad before until now.

Boys dont cry........................ will leave you in tears.

I mostly like the movie, but the Amnesia bullet was such a bad plot point to that movie specifically, and the franchise as a whole.

1- theres not real reason why they should make him lose his memory, and really is a gross overstatement of how the brain works. There are people who've taken bullets thru the brain, or

I never called tapioca Asian, but its still an Asian Delicacy. I never even suggest racism, I really dont care what you do and dont like. But to judge a food as "shouldnt exist" because it doesnt meet your standard of a desert is obviously absurd, especially when both are very popular in other communities.

I find it kinda harsh that you pick on 2 Asian delicacies (Tapioca & Red Bean) and judge them by others standards.

oh I was being sarcastic

What Rebecca was in the movie? must of blinked, didnt see her.

Wait till you see my "OH"

Your move sony is a bit of an overstatement. X-box is making their system cheaper by removing one of its core components just to get its system out.

does that title not fuck with anyone else?

Now playing

PSH, she aint got balls!, but if she did, they'd be blown off messing with this guy

Its only a matter of time until they go out and offer to have sex with women, and every woman that says yes, they'll donate $5 dollars to sex trafficking awareness.

dont get me wrong, not the BEST, but during its time (early 90s) I rather enjoyed it. It had an interesting cast and fighting style. No real story line of course, but yea.

I didnt even think of it as awful.