wait, you were expecting people to research this before posting crazy rumors... I guess not that crazy.
wait, you were expecting people to research this before posting crazy rumors... I guess not that crazy.
no, but they probably will become a thing now.
According to Variety, it's because Spider Man director Marc Webb had an ongoing contract with Fox Searchlight to direct another movie after 500 Days Of Summer, and they weren't super excited to let him dip out of it to make a sequel for the original Spider Man.
I really hope I can dustoff the peripherals I already have and can play
Hello Mr Ramit
I have a product/software idea that can turn into a small esoteric business. Its something the market (I feel) is missing, but I honestly dont know where to start. I actually know what I want the software to be able to do but I do not have any skills to build software on that level, and even if I did, I…
the interesting part is watching things in the background change
What am I wrong about exactly?
Our beauty is skewed by 'white beauty', fun fact that really doesnt need that much research.
So my friend actually started this, oddly enough. She was actually listening live and was pretty much the first person to really bring light of all this
I've known people to puke san Oculus.....
Gonna give it..... It has potential, looks like itll start very slow to virtually recreate the SF universe, once it gets past that, might turn into something good. That trailer isnt convincing
If that music wasnt so loud. I wanna turn it down but turn him up.
Man, I just cannot see how this game is get-intoable. I've been playing it, got wife and friends playing it, still cant really get into it.
To me, its like a card game minus a lot of the elements that make a card game really fun.
Thats only because the original Pilot for "The Master", starring Four Black Guys and 1 White Guy didnt go over well.
I think increasing contrast sorta does that naturally.
seriously, I play that more than anything.
I find that people are too quick to judge and put down others, and as a result, people are afraid to say "I dont know".
People are too quick to label someone 'stupid', and now people just hide and hope no one notices them when they 'dont know'
Theres no harm in not knowing the answer to a question, no harm in…
Thats not fair, I'm still staring at "A_ _ _land" for 5 mins and I still dunno what it is.