As much as I liked DCUO, this does NOT look fun...... im hoping for something good, just not expecting it.
As much as I liked DCUO, this does NOT look fun...... im hoping for something good, just not expecting it.
I think, if they just backed the Wii, or Bought the Wii, they would be more successful
I dont think the pilot was used to using that sword. it was a new machine basically
Damn, this makes me want to buy all those seasons.
NO NO, I absolutely love that song.
Its like the cycle of a relationship.
That song tho, very clever word play. Seriously!
I wonder if scientist/scholars get annoyed with having to explain stuff like this
SO many good song and sound choices
Yea, I hate when I'm playing a Dom match, and I KNOW or theres a GOOD indication thats someone is hiding there and people keep pinging me. its like... WHY DIDNT I THINK TO MINDLESSLY RUSH IN LIKE THAT!
1 of the worst gaming experiences I ever had was playing a game that was on a PS2... on the Gamecube... controls are NOTHING alike.
Started replaying MGS3 2 days ago. This time I planned on playing thru, not killing anyone, not getting spotted, and unlocking as many secrets as possible, Ninja.... 5 mins in, Already shot to death....
I was being sarcastic, implying that I was never personally given allowance.
I shoulda wrote
"I'm familiar with doing chore, but what is this allowance you speak of? If it related to my allowance to stay living under my parents roof, then I understand"
You shoulda ended with
What the fu** is allowance?
YES.. THATs WHERE SHES FROM!!! MAN, that had me wondering for a LONG time.
yea i know, i went as far as narrowing it down to 3 neighborhoods they might live in.... I stopped there.
I think both these dudes need to be made infamous. People need to see these people, and recognize them for their horrible acts. I'm sharing this... I hope others do to.
wtf... i dont get how thats remotely humorous.... and I'm a dark humor kinda guy.
Although i play LOL, its true how sad this really is