Gawn Til November

I think the biggest annoyance about all this is that, stastistic are used to 'prove' very emotional issues.

not disagreeing with the significance, but you do bring up a good point.

they usually are.

PSH, who are you calling inferior? no one would waste there time with an uncharismatic bore like Soundwave.

not sure if it matters, but Dust has been a marvel member (xmen-ish) for a bit now.


Yea, I have a PC dedicated solely to the TV. Only reason I bought it.... Guess I can pass on this, but it does sound cool.

so if I already have a HTPC, this isnt needed?

this is more of a "take what you have on a mobile device and send it to your TV" thing?

depends on what you gradded in really.
I gradded with a bachelors degree in computer engineering.

EULA needs to be brought up. If you're a single user VS a business user. If you work for a company, there are limitations to free software. Only examples I can think of right now is Malware bytes.

i second the long as hell notion.

I disagree. As much as they messed up the story line, first class just threw it out the window.

Xmen always portrays this deep profound brotherly like friendship between Xavier and Magneto, but in first class, its BARELY there. I mean semi close friends, but if anything they would be mere facebook friends.

Now playing

If you havent seen this (and its mostly dumb), its very interesting take. Trying to visualize money.... sort of putting it into perspective.

eh, i dont feel like having to come back to this, so I retract my statement.

Yea, more of a parody vs gender swap. Just my 2 cents

Now playing

sidenote: Dead Fantasy, Fan made Dead or Alive vs FF, is awesome

I'm with you....
Infinites, death combos.... this game needs some major rework.

As a hybrid (african-american and japanese), I love just finding out about the history... the ethnicity is interesting, but if youre my age, its interesting how those two cultures/ethnicites came together. If you met a German-Korean, or a African person who is only fluent in russian, it makes you wonder.

Eh, I've decided, I'll just leave it here. Clearly you disagree so I'm just going to agree to disagree...