Gawn Til November

I'm an african-japanese american, valedictorian, from a middle class family. I grew up around mostly caucasians. I have a bachelors degree in computer engineering, and I work full-time as a sys-admin computer tech for a fortune 500 steel company.

When I was pulled over by a cop in Long Beach, what was one of the first

Yea... brings me back to a problem Ive always had. Apparently I laugh when its considered 'inappropriate'.

That being said, I still find this thing hilarious.... saddly true, it still makes me laugh though!
Especially the part with the blonde girl.

Now playing

this is a hilarious example, but is very true at its core.

Not surprising, Detroit has been fucked up for awhile... and cities filing bankruptcy isnt that uncommon.

You would definitely need a baseline. If she was faking them from the start, that would be the baseline.

Maybe Its just me, but I lose a lot of 'describable' sensation after awhile when I'm wearing a condom, so I only have a general feeling. So I wouldnt be able to tell the difference between tightening and loosening,

Just my experience.
If youve been having sex with a person enough, you can 'read the signs' of an orgasm. I cant really feel the contractions.

I've had to fake orgasms.... (I always wear condoms during sex...)
Ever so often, I know when I reach my limit, and I know its not gonna happen... But as a male, its EXPECTED.

So a male not ejaculating during sex is a 'sign' of a problem, either with the male or female.
The appearance is that, the male has something

Something not addressed, which makes this question is a little more complicated.
The EULA is different if you're a person user vs a business. (if you actually read them.)

As a user, I can download and use (only example I can think of) is Maleware bytes and use it for free... But if you're a business, you're supposed to

why stop there? why not ban any form of sexual pleasure without a 'license to procreate', only given during the time a woman is fertile.

I think the problem is reinforcing the same images.

You can have that and it be fine, but "the subtext of domination, rape, humiliation, hurt or even killing that is now woven into much available pornography" is not sex/porn, its a sub category of it. But you see it enough, it basically becomes the definiton vs being


I'm partially here.
I look for the negative reviews to see what, if anything, they didnt like about it. then go to the review with the highest hits (most usefuls), then go to multiple sites with the same product to compare reviews.

haha, I edited what I wrote,

Damn.. I'm not gay but that is one handsome dude!

Hmm, what does that say about comedy when you find the majority of the comedians not funny.

it too much reminds me of a golf club under a thermoscope, so its lost on me..

According to "the penis size debate"
size matters. Not really a 'the bigger the better' 1:1 ratio, but definitely ball park preference.

SO combining information between the two, it suggest that, on average, most women have men with an "enjoyable to satisfying" penis....

LUCKILY, sex isnt all about the penis.

I'm with the developer on this one.
Its his creative vision.... he should be able to choose.

Sure it may hinder sales, but I would rather make a piece of art in my vision, than compromise my vision just to please others.

Note: I get his vision is heavily influenced by social construction, but the sexual orientation,

Hmm, seems like a PR stunt after all the recent bad press. (E3, DRM back stepping)

So I guess this generation is too young to remember hot pants/daisy dukes/short shorts