
about 24 hours before i first heard about the evans thing, i legitimately had this thought, almost verbatim:

Can’t speak for all of Jez, but how exactly would I forgive Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner when I’m not angry enough (read: not angry at all) to require forgiveness?

Michael Fassbender beat his wife and he’s doing fine.

I didn’t know either. Tumors on both the ovaries. She’s a tough one.

Right, that was my thought too. The joke was on guys that say that kind of thing after rejection. THAT’s what they were making fun of.

I had no idea Cobie Smulders had to battle cancer, especially so young. My heart goes out to her. Hearing about this seriously makes me want to get a check-up.

So, now we can’t call fictional characters names? They do realize those characters aren’t real. Shoot, that’s going to rock fandom. No one is going to be able to call anyone, “this fandom’s bicycle.” And there goes all the Nightwing “It’s like I’m not wearing nothing all” memes.

Well, I mean, there were no advances to be spurned, though—there isn’t really more than a friendship plot with either character. The interviewer asked them what they thought about Natasha being paired with Bruce when fans had been “shipping” her with Hawkeye and Cap. It was a stupid question and they mocked it with a

What’s stupid is there was a way to save the interview even after Renner made his quip. All one of them had to say was, “I’m sorry. That was inappropriate. Her character can date whomever she wants.” It was the continued riffing that pissed me off. Because they have no concept it was inappropriate to go on like they

okay i’m admittedly biased here (we all know my love for chris evans runs really deep), but i feel like the outrage for the whole thing is disproportionate. Yes, it was a dumb-ass thing to say. It was a juvenile answer to a fucking dumb-ass question. i mean really. what is even a real answer to that question?

Tony Stark was a WAY bigger slut than Natasha Romanoff.

Renner’s non-apology was worse than the offending comments. Evans’ was gracious and appropriate.

This was totally a tale of two apologies: 1) Evans apologized for being offensive while 2) Renner apologized that you were offended by something that wasn’t meant to be offensive, why are you so sensitive, can’t you see that we were just joking around, jesus.

Renner told Entertainment Weekly that “it was not meant to be serious in any way. Just poking fun during an exhausting and tedious press tour.”

Noah was much more offensive than this.

So, maybe I shouldn’t, but when celebrities who are generally good about feminist/racist/whatever issues fuck up, I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt, especially when they aren’t a member of the group that’s being discussed.

What’s Your Number? Or something like that? Anyway yeah, I remember reading some of that stuff that he’s said, and comments he’s made about struggling with anxiety. I’ve always thought he’s a lot more sensitive than his sometimes goofy frat-boyish vibes let on. I think his apology is sincere because of all of that.

Je suis Left Shark.

Left Shark belongs to us all.