
I feel like the narrator on that show should be up for an Emmy.

He is the very definition of a scene-stealer. I am so in love with Rogelio it’s ridiculous.

I love this and his character so much!

Love Jane the Virgin, love Rogelio but never had pants-feelings for him... until now.

Oh Frank... Not again

Victim is a trans woman; this is currently being investigated as a hate crime, according to NBC New York.

Keep your back to a pole. I’d rather brush up against urine than die.

Then I lay on the platform. Like when I'm transferring at the 72nd street station from the 2/3 to the 1, I lay on the platform.

Some women don’t need a shove.

As a mixed-race woman, his explanations for casting Allison Ng particularly drove me bonkers. Is he really trying to say there are ZERO beautiful hapa actresses in all of Hollywood (or hell, even in Hawai’i) who he could’ve cast for this movie? Or just that none of them are as $$$bankable$$$ as a generic-looking white

A lot of people (including myself) WERE outraged about this, especially Jared Leto’s gross transphobic remarks around the time everyone was kissing his ass for his role in Dallas Buyer’s Club. Minstrelsy never dies in Hollywood, it just changes form and shape.

are you aware you’re on the internet my friend

Well, honestly, how is it Emma Stone’s fault? All she did was take a role she was offered. The casting people cast her, the director approved it....I mean, I think this is bullshit, but I’d also think it would be very weird if his response was “Hey don’t look at me, Emma Stone is the white chick.” Out of everyone in

Emma Stone was chief among those who did tireless research, and if any part of her fine characterization has caused consternation and controversy, I am the one to blame.

Not the point, but I finally saw Mad Max and your user name makes SO much more sense now.

The second picture there I thought, ‘if they do something with this in the films, she’ll have to be played by Gina Torres.’

Ha! I was all “...what planet does Stewart live on where women have until 67?” Last Fuckable Day is, like, somewhere in your forties at the latest.

You came out at 65, you’ve got another two years before you become invisible to society.”

While in Europe when I was 22 I purchased several bottles of Absinthe. Like a dummy, instead of individually wrapping each bottle in a towel and storing in my suitcase, I wrapped all three bottles together. I didn’t claim anything in customs (cause it’s illegal) and I had this brief conversation with the customs agent: