
Oh! Totally get where you’re coming from now re: the vague article wording. I must’ve needed more coffee when I read your original comment, as I only keyed into you saying Alzheimer’s was a “cause of dementia,” which is wrong.

Dementia is actually the umbrella term for a class of brain diseases that affect one’s ability to think and remember. Alzheimer’s, while most common, is sometimes accompanied by vascular dementia and/or dementia with Lewy bodies, and that phenomenon is referred to as “mixed dementia” (or “dementia — multifactorial,”

Agreed. I’m always in a perpetual state of digging a wedgie out of my ass if I wear normal undies, so why fight fate?

Agreed. I’m not the biggest fan of her music, but I do think she has the name cachet that NBC tends to go for in these shindigs.


They actually do make nylons you can wear with open-toed shoes and sandals and aren’t that terrible.

And don’t forget the ridiculously high waists!

oh goodness

Great plan! My best friend did exactly that, except she had a chill civil ceremony in the morning and then a fantastic brunch afterwards. Why would you deny yourself the joy of wedding waffles and day drinking?

You literally just described my iTunes library, minus some Natalie Merchant and Led Zeppelin. Oh, and some Little River Band and James Taylor. But that’s literally it.

Yet another example of my taste in music being older than I am.

But what modern actor has the presence and the verve of Jimmy Stewart?

I’m still waiting for her to do a biopic of Donna Reed...

I was literally screaming YAS QUEEN in my living room as I sloshed my Sunday wine all over my couch.

That entire film just felt like a fanfic filled with OOCs (with the exception of Whedon’s fave, Iron Man) and fight scenes. All flash and no substance. And I’ve spent so much time raging about what this film did wrong on Tumblr that I have no energy left... Calling yourself a feminist and portraying a female this way

But my mom (who is 70+) remains 39, no matter what picture I upload. Her wedding photo, her Girl Scout photo, her Thanksgiving 2014 photo... Even her post-childbirth photo! I mean, there’s “bitch don’t age” and then there’s bitch don’t age.

Apparently I’m perpetually 11 years old. I’m 32.

Love this neckline. Love love love.

I initially read Colin Farrell as Colin Firth and was very confused for one hot second.

I believe it’s the Robert Redford effect. The more you look like Robert Redford, the more likely my panties are to drop.