
The first rule of Fist Club is you do not talk about Fist Club.

Yah, I was desperately unpopular, moved too often to learn the local slang anywhere, and spent my time listening to 300-year-old music and reading 50-year-old books. I demand to be named the only 32-year-old member of the silent generation. ;)

Yes and yes.

Are you suggesting that the basement fisting is immoral? Or are you saying it depends on how dirty that basement is?

Go on...

Seriously. I'm gonna be 35 in a month and this study considers me on equal social/cultural/economic ground with high school seniors??

alternatively, 40% of millennials are definitely not fucking me.

you're commenting on jezebel dot com, you're probably a millenial

Whatever, just means more casual sex for me

Mainly what I got from this article (before I blacked out with rage) is that I AM SUPPOSED TO BE A MILLENNIAL??!?!!!


Prude motherfuckers, who you know have the filthiest shit in their browser history.

This millennial says: all human contact is gross.

And 99.9% of these kids fire up their iPads and to study how terrible casual sex is on xtube.