

I feel like female pop stars and drag queens are slowing merging, like the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies.

Suri is turning into Katie's tiny clone. The resemblance in their faces is almost uncanny.

White clothes and mysterious Middle Eastern desert environment...

It's probably Kourtney, she's in a constant state of pregnancy/giving birth.


That person on the left has another body coming out of her.

Yes and no. Pilling is directly related to the length of fiber twisted into the yarn. That's why cheap cashmere sweaters pill (short fibers are cheaper to spin into yarn) and expensive cashmere sweaters do not. Or merino wool sweaters, or cotton t-shirts or cheap fabric compression pants. Basically any knit fabric

You mean doctors have been subjecting women to painful, invasive procedures for absolutely no reason for YEARS?

But guys in too-tight pants are hot. Won't somebody think of the women? :'(

UnderArmor is kinda hot. I don't know why. It just is.

Alternatively you could just wear normally priced pants that are the right size for you.

No. If they do, you're wearing a size too small.

If they do, you're wearing them wrong.

I like these. They show the bulge without being #eggplantfriday. Or at least, they do on this particular male model.

I am Pro Ball Crushing pants. (PBC for short)

Do normal pants ball-crush? I don't have balls so I honestly have no idea.