
from kris or from jared?

Literally the definition...

fuck this jackass. Also you KNOW he thinks hes sounding so goddamn smart in this statement. Its such typical "I'm in college at the moment and obviously know everything" bs. I MEAN GUYS HE USED THE TERM "SEXUAL MORES." HES SO SMART.


I don't think satire means what fratbro thinks it means.

It really says everything that, in the author's point of view, "everyone" means men. He doesn't even see women as people.

So from this part: " Here's a quick reality check: everyone — from Bill Clinton to your grandfather to every Greek organization in the nation does the same old stuff, just as they have been for the entirety of human history."


Related: Hitchcock got one over on censors with North by Northwest by having Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint embrace and fall — fully clothed — into the bed of their train compartment only to quickly cut to the train entering a tunnel and the then "The End" coming up.

Include also: Maggie Smith, Helen Mirren. When any of these 3 amazing ladies die I am going to be an absolute wreck.

"Victor/Victoria" is my favorite movie of all time. ALL TIME.

Aw, it's inane, but it's exactly the type of dumb, meaningless self-psyching talk that I engage in, spoken or not, before a stressful situation. "You can do this! Fake it till you make it! You got this! Wooooo!" And off I go into the cocktail party full of strangers. And you're right — Julie kills it.

When Julie Andrews dies I'm going to lock myself in a sealed room and drown myself in my own tears. She is a treasure and I fucking love her.

HAHA I love this! Especially because it is my favorite part. Not because of the song (it is inane) but how she performs it! It is magic!

She may not have loved this song, but I think she works the hell out of this number. I was watching this over Christmas with my grams (why is this considered a Christmas movie in my family?) and I was impressed with her comedic timing in this song.

Ok but seriously can someone please explain those weird ribbon hair ties to me? Why are people using them? My mom gave me some in my Christmas stocking (which I still get bc my mom has no grandchildren yet) and I was like "wtf is this?" And my younger sister who graduated from college much more recently than me was

For some reason I'm getting such a kick out of the lady complaining that the missy elliot lyrics contained vulgar words and then labeled links to the lyrics as "NSFW" ignoring the fact that she typed said apparently vulgar words including "shit", "cock" and "pussy" into her email.