
"I'm incredibly close to the common woman in that I'm a woman and I'm a mother and we all are in a physical body with beating hearts"

"I'm incredibly close to the common woman."

Yes, TR did say that! I just quoted it too, whoops.

Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy owns Hennessy? You don't say!

That's some pretty seriously held prejudice there if $15-18 million won't shift it.

Yeah, I have no problem on dropping coin on makeup ("This luxury eyeshadow will totally transform me, "She's All That" - style, into the goddess I know I am!") but if I have to spend $3 on a pasta scoop, I get all pissed off at how adulthood is turning out.

Ugh. As a former retail worker, I feel bad for the employees who are going to have to explain this policy change to very angry shitty asshole customers. Despite signs. Fuck.

Having a minimum age of 18 would not be a bad thing. It would make it easier for models to protect themselves from sexual harassment and other working condition problems, too. Not to mention give them time to finish school.

I get why people might think this is body shaming. But to be honest, my opinion is shaped from experience. I suffered from anorexia in my teens. At one point I weighed 58 pounds, and I probably would have been dead within a week if I hadn't been sectioned.


Can't we all agree: Whatever your body looks like, it doesn't look like it should?

Sittin back for the inevitable skinny shaming vs fat shaming wars

There is a difference between being naturally skinny and what Isabelle Caro was, this is what they are trying to stop.

how about stop using children as models for adult clothing. Banning what they think is too skinny is dumb. How about showing a wider variety of models.

Jesus. Photoshop much?

That is nightmare fuel.

Have you tried telling them that if they were going down on a clit like the good lord intended they wouldn't have to spew such vile gender-based crap all the time?

I follow/am kind of part of a rather large group of sportswriters and enthusiastic sports fans who just happen to be women on Twitter, and this is about par for the course. It's disgusting. We regularly get told called all kinds of vulgar names, get told to "go back to the kitchen," are informed that "if we had a dick

i didn't want to seem too agressive

dear michelle,