
Way to go hackers, it’s going to take the PGA forever to come up with replacement tournament logos featuring a trophy surrounded by two golf clubs.

This piece of shit sued after he was left crippled then worked his damnedest to deny people with similar situations to sue for as much money as he won. God damn hypocrite who makes Rick Perry look downright stately, and that says something.

Oh man, if people are surprised that right wingers consider Columbus to be an “elitist” city, go to literally anywhere in the Midwest and hear their Republican politicians talk about the nearest big metro area. You’ve got no idea how racist the word “Milwaukee” can sound until you’ve heard it coming from some big wet R

Antoine Dangerfield is a preposterous name for a person and an excellent name for a cat. 

I love Dez now that he’s burning down the whole Cowboys organization

Counterpoint: Booing people who say racist things is how we remind people that saying racist things is unacceptable. 

Objects Behind You Are Closer Than They Appear

Yeah, but you put him in black and orange and see how fast that same crowd believes in second chances

The lesson is “We can beat Northern Illinois without you. Don’t do this again and make us look bad for letting you play if the next game is against a real team.”

The contrast between pro and college football coaches is striking. McVay can recall specific plays, but Art Briles can’t even remember the names of the players/sex offenders on his teams…

This is what happened to the “My dad’s a lawyer” kid from your HS.

so I end up like all these sad sack Bears fans beating off over a team that won thirty goddamned years ago.


Barstool Radio, a show enjoyed exclusively by Deloitte interns who wish they were still in college”

I agree that he shouldn’t have been drafted and that it’s fair for a major league team to decide they don’t want the risk/PR hit and, you know, playing baseball in the Majors is a privilege and what he did is more than enough to forfeit that but....

She remembers to make burnt offerings of two pigeons or doves 14 days after every menstrual period, right? Cuz you can’t pick and choose.

At second, the fielder at least can see the threat coming. Blindside bullshit like this, knowing full well that going after the legs is illegal BECAUSE it’s dangerous, is an overt attempt to injure. Fuck Rizzo, fuck Maddon, fuck the Cubs, and fuck the mouthbreathers who defend this shit. Oh, and fuck the on-field and

“Shit, people might be annoyed if we fire her because for some reason LeBron will be on the Bucks at some point and will want it to happen. Better just play it safe and go with Vinny Del Negro instead.”

Nah, there’s definitely some of that (like in most cities with NBA teams) but plenty of Bucks fans want it to happen.