
I grew up right on the UP/Wisconsin border, and the winters there are indeed tough, but we always sure appreciated spring, summer, and fall. Here in Texas, we get ywo seasons, brutal Summers and some weird season that’s hard to describe

Hey Shep, I clicked on the link and it says it’s $179.  Is there a code?  Or does that mean the deal is over?  Thanks!

Hey Shep, I clicked on the link and it says it’s $179.  Is there a code?  Or does that mean the deal is over? 

Not so fun fact, the Bucks drafted Dirk and then traded him to the Mavs for what ended up to be Robert "Tractor" Traylor.

Since your handle is “French Canadian Montana”, I read this entire post in Georges St.-Pierre’s voice.  And it was great.


Yeah, don’t wear an opposing teams cap to the Ravine, the fanbase might beat you into a coma, amirite?!?!? That’s just baseball! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Why is Liberty U so disrespectful of the military?

Let’s hear it for all the old school PUMAs who are popping up again to scold. Regarding the candidates she was endorsing, they were getting shredded in the polls WAY before AOC showed up. All she did was beef up their profiles, and they got beat by a smaller margin than the early polls. She campaigned for Sayed in

You’re on thin fucking ice, my pedigreed chum. And I shall be under it when it breaks - Brick Top

(long response, sorry) So, I’ve been in community/HOA management for over ten years now. There are ALWAYS people you don’t recognize. My methid, if I don’t recognize someone, is to engage. “Hi, I’m P, I’m the manager here, how are you? I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ve met you yet, and I like to get to know the residents.

It follows up his Spitting On The Ump The Right Way (tm)

The Brewers are ready to give a pitcher they like 15-18 mil a year for a 3 year deal. Teams in a market their size just can’t afford to risk too much on long term deals these days

My favorite Bill Walton story: I was listening to sports radio on a cross country trip, and he was a guest on Jim Rome. This was when the young lady who was singing the national anthem got scared and freaked out a little, and Maurice Cheeks helped her get through it. Walton launches into a long monologue about “Mo

How can you fuck up running Shakey’s in the 70s? That was the SPOT for every kid in town.

Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

Don’t forget, Molly Ringwald’s asshole little brother in 16 Candles was the perfect depiction of a future Wrigley denizen.