
I will admit to not listening to the interview because i’m at work, so perhaps you are right. It just seems so unfair, because, like you said, she seems to be doing everything we could possibly expect from someone who’s made a mistake.

The original Rachel Dolezal? What a fucking cheap shot, and not AT ALL in the same ballpark. Bullshit hit job. If it’s this kind of petty ass shit that brings down someone the quality of Elizabeth Warren, fuck all of us. 

Because this is Texas.

I guess he saw it as un-Finnish-ed business.

...I can’t remember when I felt this much schadenfreude.”

I can’t challenge that.

I dunno how much time McCarthy has left, but no way he’s gonna be able to stop the clock.

Don’t get me on politics.”

The only thing less likable than this Dodgers team are this Dodgers team’s fans.

I guess it’s unanimous in Milwaukee that Derek Jeter is MLB Executive of the Year.

‘earned his spot in the lineup entirely because of his defense, which is at least above average’

The word is “cromulent”.

But he is in serious danger of missing the bus when it comes to a big contract.

Well, I know the Mack Khalil will make you jump, jump. As I assume, will the Khalil Mack.

Given his love of Hochuli, I can’t see Kavanaugh closing the gun show loophole anytime soon.

Minnesota Steakhouse Pranks Umpire Joe West With Salad

Waiter: Would you like some pepper, Mr. West?

MLK got killed. It took many riots before the the Acts were passed.