Honestly. Like, the best argument in favor of Bowser was that she has not done anything that isn’t politics her entire life. And that is a terrifyingly bad reason to elect someone!

Disgusting all around.

damn, when will dc natives NOT get continuously fucked so people can kiss up to rich folks that will prolly abandon the city in 15 years. i love the culture of dc, and i hate seeing people tricked by mayor after mayor that doesnt give a fuck about their communities....that gentrify money is sexy and as a dude that

If all rugby teams got dissolved for singing the lyrics to most (okay all) rugby songs, there would be no rugby teams

Actually, if you read the whole piece, only 8 of the team's 46 members were even at the party (the others were away playing a game), the party wasn't an official team event, and the way they've been characterized by the administration isn't exactly reflective of the reality, which is much more complicated than "SPORTS

A friend of mine's dad is the second dude. Went on to be a state trooper in Pennsylvania. Remarkably cool guy, and never had a bad word to say about Foreman.

"area residents are too rich and content to get worked up about the occasional taxpayer-funded slaying."

Fairfax is just a collection of subdivisions full of people looking to ignore their neighbors as much as humanly possible. The fact that so few turn out in protest is not surprising, but also fairly depressing.

"I really prefer my women cookie cutter."

Fuck drivers!

You keep insisting she's fucking someone else. Because a woman is always fucking someone. And if it isn't the man who is right there offering then it is someone else. It just couldn't be that the lazy sod she's married to has de-evolved into a lump who thinks foreplay consists of "hey, how 'bout it?" A woman/wife is

On Deadspin an article is usually like Skip Bayless talks about Tim Tebow ESPN sucks LOLz the end and then everyone goes +1

Parents Night is dreadful. Last year I was singled out by a teacher in a room full of judgmental parents because my 3rd grader, for the "art show", drew a picture of a chicken giving a horse a hand-job. Seriously. I have the photo prove it if you provide me with an e-mail to send it. When I got home, I feared

Are you sure that wasn't just Friday Night Lights season 3?

"I can't go to work and be a dick to everyone" yet somehow I get the idea that you're always a dick to everyone.

If you got shitty service, don't just bail on the tip. That's a cowardly and unproductive thing to do. When the bad server in question comes with the bill, ask to speak with the manager on duty. Explain to the manager what transpired. They may be willing to offer some accommodation—and many times at a level that would

I'm spoiled for choice here. I mean, I could point out the sheer, incoherent stupidity of telling a bunch of strangers that you totally know more about their emotions than they do, and they only think they're happy in an open relationship...

Saints fans. The White Christian Conservative Males of the NFL.