Brian Burke still uses a TV Guide.
Brian Burke still uses a TV Guide.
"This is an eyeball business."
One of my favorite stories from my Dad:
My parents divorced when I was the 8th grade, so I was a super shitty 14 year old. The only cool thing that happened that year was when my much older brother took me to my first NHL game at the Fleet Center- he was 25 or so, so we had never really spent much time together. It was Bruins-Caps and Chris Simon had two…
I was at a golf tournament a little while back. It was the final day and the last group was coming down 18. Some fans tried to get a better view of the green so they climbed up a tv tower. Well earlier that day a fan hit one if the golfers with his Volkswagen and then subsequently crashed into this same tv tower, so…
Compared to the Iroquois Nationals, undoubtedly.
"That's the thing you have to remember about professional sports. Whenever a team wins the title, you know who always gets to hold the trophy first? THE OWNER."
That's actually true. Racism is active, aggressive, and violent. It has legitimate material impacts on its victims. Prejudice is simply having (often ignorant, race-based) opinions. Racism is prejudice institutionalized, manifested in policy to inflict damage upon a group. Assuming that I'm not good at dancing is…
It's about time that Michel Jordan took a stand on issues bothering our racist uncles in 1999.
I remember growing up in DC when it felt somehow prestigious that Kornheiser and Wilbon wrote for our paper and covered our teams. These days they just seem kind of pathetic.
Oh just let them enjoy their silver
I agree with most of what you're saying, but the PC stuff was only ever a fig leaf to try and cover the corruption. Qatar didn't get the World Cup because of some sense of international justice on the part of FIFA, they purchased it fair and square.
Sidney Crosby would tell you it doesn't really matter what the rooms look like when you're just gonna be sitting in the dark completely motionless anyway.
You don't know of a platonic eHarmony site? Isn't that what Adult Friend Finder is for?
I was playing Paulette the hairdresser in "Legally Blonde the Musical" and got to share the stage with a majestic bulldog named Sir Gordo. They didn't turn my mic off after he and I left the stage together on opening night and so the whole audience was treated to me saying, in the puppy voice "Gordo bordo! You were so…
Dan Snyder finds out what the next hot thing is by reaching up and touching the stovetop.
I appreciate the coverage of an important issue like the long-term effects of concussions, this is a topic that the NHL needs to do more to address, and hopefully prevent. However, it is kind of annoying how much of Deadspin's NHL coverage is devoted to the low-brow aspects of hockey, rather than the really exciting…