This is really a bummer. The World Cup shouldn't be used to divide people. It should be a showcase of each country's best. Sportsmen who devoted their lives in pursuit of a common goal. Grinding, toiling, scraping their way towards greatness. And even if that goal is not reached, their work is not in vain. Because

A grown man whose mom still brings him soup in the locker room demands constant attention? Color me shocked!

Oh look, an internet tough guy!

Few things pain me more than judging my own writing to be eternally unreadable and then seeing something published that's even worse.

My sex education started today when I saw a rendering of the new football stadium in Qatar.

[Incognito has child]

Just to be clear, you are a person who willingly listens to Adam Carolla. Seeks him out, no less, and you are relaying the opinion of a tech guy on a podcast about the athletes at a school Martin attended, but before he attended.

Passing along sage advise from Bald Bryan!.... did you even stop to think just how stupid that makes you sound? Jonathan Martin graduated from Stanford, both of his parents and grandparents graduated from Harvard.... Richie Incognito flunked out at Nebraska and he never played a down at the U. of Oregon before wearing

Sorry for your loss, dude.

It never ceases to amaze me how there really are Two Marylands. There's the ultra-wealthy, politically-liberal world full of traffic and suburbanization and racial diversity and acceptance, and there's this now-somewhat hidden underbelly of Old South traditions and culture that's not too far removed from more

...really makes me wonder if we're actually speaking the same language:

some of my best friends are nigerian soccer players.

As an actual Virginian, ANYONE is better than the Cooch.

But what's the capacity of those stadiums?
Rogers (2011-2012): 18890 (99.997% capacity)
Whitecaps: ~21,000 (92.7% capacity)
"Whitecaps FC artificially reduces the stadium's capacity 21,000 for matches by using white sheets to close off the upper bowl."