One problem with elite is they always want to talk about actual news stories. We have to reach out to whites where they live—comment sections.

I think you’ve got a phenomenal first paragraph to your book right there.

I... I don’t know. I think so? Oh god, someone hold me, I’m so out of my depth here.

HAMNO DA GAWD. In all seriousness, the only good thing about the Gawker implosion is Hamilton Nolan articles on Deadspin and the mayobaby, diaper-clad commenters demanding that he “STICK 2 SPROTS.”

Hi. We’ve been posting pieces about politics and culture here on the Concourse for more than a year. Eat shit.

yeah manatees would fuckin love that

It depends on what poll you’re looking at. Stop looking at national polls which are about as informative as the National Enquirer.

“Robert E. Lee” came in second.

This is the first Eddie match I’ve watched since he died (too many feelings) and I choose correctly, thanks guys! But, christ, if we can ignore the terribly misogynistic announcing (not JUST by Jerry Lawler, I hear you good ol’ JR), this was a fucking highlight of my childhood where I knew as a (pretty ugly little

In adolescents, the first thing that’s important is being aware of a kid’s baseline behavior (how they usually act and present themselves to the world) and then looking for very abrupt and marked changes from this behavior. The abruptness is key because a kid will usually do a pretty successful job of rationalizing

So like lemme preface this by saying I really only come to Deadspin to make stupid jokes and sometimes make fun of the Gawker crowd and also to be like “Hey guys remember when this was just a vanity project for Will ‘The Man From Mattoon’ Leitch? Did he ever get to be grand marshal of the Bagel Days Parade?” But when

You’re obviously this guys brother

While we’re at it, what the fuck has Lebron done lately for the Syrian refugees? Nothing, that’s what. Just sitting there, playing basketball and letting evil flourish.

Good to see Smarmy Basketblogger getting his second 15 minutes of fame after leading the 2011 Lacrosse All-Name Team.

As a black student at the University of Missouri, I can't tell you how amazing it has been to see how the athletic department and students of all colors coming together for this.

This is some real, honest-to-goodness community service y’all have done for his victims, for the people of Sacramento and California, and for schoolchildren everywhere. Good work.

“Yah brah my cuz Tony’s former boss Mickey was roughed up pretty bad in it...so let me get in your face and tell yous about how BAHSTON STRONG I’ve had to be to overcome this extreme adversity.” - Jason98

Since you asked went to college with a guy from Boston who’s favorite team was wait for it. The Dallas Cowboys. This was during the Aikman-Emmitt-Irvin era. Lost contact over the years but ran into him on Facebook last year and we became FaceBook friends. After last year’s Super Bowl he was posting about “Our Fourth

It’s too much detail to go into in this post (a book needs to be written on rotten Fairfax County law enforcement — the local news outlets don’t reveal nearly enough, though the Post does make some effort), but this fish stinks from the head. The county board basically rewards police who kill and they applaud the

“With this magic schedule, I can squeeze it in between kickball and cornhole!”