Can we get some context on that photo?

I remember learning about your stories around 2002, and being shocked and appalled at the rank injustice. The 'Rise Above' website recommended writing to you guys, and as I sat down to do just that, I realized I had no idea what to say, I just wanted to express my solidarity and the idea that someone gives a shit.

OK, but where is the Q&A?

Rule #3: obscure identifying tattoos.

"undue" or undo? #corrections

Is he wearing a GoPro?

Feminism does not exclude men. Allies are an integral part. If you choose to exclude yourself, that's on you, don't blame an amorphous "movement" straw-man.

This has been a massively interesting sociological experiment. It's been suggested before, so let me reiterate: if you publish these reports, plus the emails, plus these analyses, in book form— I will buy it. And give it to my dumb shit Redskin fan friends (not unlike myself)

They have 2 EPs out. http://lmgtfy.com/

That is a very important distinction. Thank you for pointing that out. I have to hear these code words from my in-laws all the time...

I bet you have a lot of great, loyal and fun friends

Precisely. This is the kind of thing that should be old hat by now— at least for those in the field!

Really reminds me of the work of Lynd Ward, like in 'Vertigo' or 'God's Man'

Agreed entirely. I work with the VA, and after all the colossal fuckups a few years back, it's drilled pretty seriously into everyone's head. Not enough people in private practice, apparently...

If "I didn't know" doesn't work on traffic tickets, it probably shouldn't work for disclosure of private medical information. The default setting for any medical anything that could possibly face the public, i.e. things that have waivers for use by medical professionals, should be to anonymize it immediately. That's

DoFP was a two-part arc in the '90s cartoon, but featured Bishop coming back in time to stop the assassination of Sen. Kelly, which was performed by a "traitor." Revealed to be Mystique in disguise as Gambit, as the Brotherhood went apeshit on Washington DC.

Here's the rest: http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/11/china-gigantic/?mbid=ob_ppc_dangerroom

A lot of times the only thing they can be charged with are things like welfare fraud, which doesn't carry the kind of penalty burden to outwardly hurt the faith. Witnesses are very hard to come by, much less complainants. When the entire apparatus of a town (like CO City/Hildale) has been oriented to support the cult,

OK that is indeed rather amazing! In tribute, I would like to offer up one of my pups dressed as a banana.