This picture is today's Winner of the Internet, hands down
This picture is today's Winner of the Internet, hands down
Cute pups! I can't always pick out breeds, but the one on the left looks EXACTLY like my friend's blue heeler with a recolor of his fur. Posture, ears, nose, everything!
Yes, for precisely that reason. Sometimes it's nice to gather your thoughts, refocus... drain the bladder...
Iceland is a beautiful, surreal country, with some of the most alien landscapes you will see (watch 'Prometheus,' it was filmed there). The people are polite, reserved, beautiful, and excellent hosts. And they speak perfect English! Go there! Signed, unabashed Icelandophile
Oh, you mean the land that is administered as part of the National Park Service that injects millions into local economies? Or perhaps you refer to the land administered by the BLM that oversees surface mining and oil drilling? Or maybe the land held by the Forest Service that is used for logging?
I've been trying to read a copy of this for years, since I heard about it. I ended up buying the AUS version off eBay and positively loved it. Should I have just waited for this version? Is it significantly better?
Brilliant! I loved those cards. Thanks!
I don't know what this is but I desperately want to know more.
So it "can be called raped" but "not rape in the eyes of the law." Huh. What part of "did not consent" do you not understand? Not saying "no" does not imply consent, and you cannot legally give consent when incapacitated. Coercion or struggle or dominance is immaterial. But maybe you're trollin' and I'm just a…
My college roommate confessed to me one night that he had testicular cancer. Being starved for ideas at the disclosure, I did what I always did- took him to the bar. During a game of pool, my GF calls, so I tell her the situation. Almost immediately, she says he is lying. Naive me couldn't believe that someone could…
Did Heather Childers Rape and Murder a Young Girl in 1991? Dot com.
Dum-Dum Dugan.
Awesome. Love these. Reminds me of Shag
@corpore-metal: Rust? I guess...
@Wookielifeday: Yeah, I'm in total agreement with that notion too.
@t3knomanser: I read Nemesis. It felt forced, shallow, and only kept reading because I couldn't look away. I wouldn't say I liked it... but still read it all. I don't know what that says about me, but I guess it worked for him...
@Wookielifeday: I'm glad I'm not the only one...
@Laconic: Yea, I feel like I wandered into Deadspin
Is this Bellona?
@Damob: No one does a takedown like Johann Hari. Thanks for posting!