Here comes my multifaceted hategasm:
Here comes my multifaceted hategasm:
@summerisnotaverb: At first I was like 'hmmmm wow'
So they can travel across the galaxy, but can't handle decelerated landings. Gotcha
@FiletOfBaby: I've been trying to plan a post-industrial disaster hiking tour of PA for some time now... any other suggestions? (googling Blue Mtns now)
@se7a7n7: You're welcome! It was no big deal, don't mention it.
I've been fighting a losing battle with Hemingway recently, and lapping up my space opera. So, in agreement.
@tdfangirl: 900 internets for you, as well!
@Lamar Henderson: 900 internets for you
Hasn't McCarthy recanted on her support of Wakefield? I thought I read that somewhere. Nice gesture, but the damage is done.
@baseballchica03: I'm in the application process now and live in terror of what I fear of receiving what will likely be a thanks-but-no-thanks. Knowing that assholes like this get in... sheeeeeeit
@amuse-bouche: Here in northern VA, I often watch my friend's adult league games, where a woman routinely runs up the score on his team. She's intense!
@quothmarc: I've read every single one and after a few months of drudgery, I think he's finally picking it up again. I was pretty bored for awhile.
I saw a yellowish/green sphere of light hopping over the treeline, almost like a rock skipping over the surface of water, when I was a kid. Left a slight, cometlike trail of light in its wake, and from appearance to end it lasted not more than three seconds, covered about fifty yards. Just blinked into existence and…
Skunk ape
Is there a reason the armed robber has a Zapatista ski mask?
A roommate picked this up in college on VHS for a dollar too, and was part of our 'Bad Movies and 40oz' night parties. Highly, highly recommend you watch this with at least two Schlitz by your side for the full effect. By the time you reach the climax, you will have attained nirvana.
@theblazeuk: Totally agree. Growing up with heroic Hal and watching him go completely apeshit was pretty powerful for this reader.
Parallax took Hal Jordan apart and it took a decade to redeem him as GL. Seeing him/it handled so cavalier is very off-putting.
I've always found the pictures from the Aral Sea to be quite unsettling and profound. The two rivers feeding into the sea from the south were diverted in Soviet times, which drained the lake so quickly that ships were unable to escape to follow the water. Stunning.