200 Touring

100% have you seen how poorly Musk’s management is being reflected on twitter?

Tesla stock needed another bump, eh? We’ve seen this one before.

Pretty sure that more people know about Chastain’s stunt than who actually won last night’s race. Can’t say I blame them.

Now I know how all those NPCs in Grand Turismo feel.

I think this is one of those deals where if he would have crashed someone else in this process he'd be universally hated for it. A not-so-calculated risk, and I expect NASCAR will ban it.

We all know what the answer is

I’m not sure I’d really be launching it

My guy, do you genuinely think this crazy bastard went into the Speaker’s home because of insider trading? I mean… seriously?

Is there a reason the house belonging the person directly after the Vice President in the line of presidential succession doesn’t have better security on her home?  Not looking to blame the victim, concerned about national security.

I understand the knee-jerk response that it would be MAGA, but the last time her house was vandalized it was by left-wing radicals.

Hate to quote a villain... But “How bout NO!!!”

You KNOW Trump’s gonna have these blown up, individually framed and hung throughout Mar-a-Lago. Will probably have all of them in his bedroom to masturbate to as well. 

It seems like a typical day at the New York Post, just slightly more over the top than their usual fare.

I’m curious if these will be considered felonies. I hope so.

Hm, I was hoping they’d just out the employee. But who are we kidding? It’s probably some mediocre white dude and that’s the Post’s core audience. 

Doesn’t saying, “We must murder Joe Biden” (the sitting president of the USA) make this a criminal terrorism case?

Isn’t this what happens everyday at the New York Post?

New York Post: ‘We are terribly sorry for someone posting the quiet parts we say behind our doors all out loud like this.’

All that and Stephen Hawking giving you directions. Pretty cool.

Nah man, they should absolutely get sick days. It’s not always about pay, its about autonomy over ones own life. As Desoto pointed out, these guys are regularly treated like machines and don’t have the freedom to go about their lives. An extra $4 or $5 an hour isn’t going to help you when your kid, spouse, or you get