nothing hurts more than a thumbs up to the other driver.
nothing hurts more than a thumbs up to the other driver.
you’re supposed to lay bag down, tear open. open burger, foil overlapping bag. ketchup on bag or foil, your call.
You’re thinking too small picture. Here’s what’s going to happen: the larger companies that receive shipments, say, Wal-Mart, for this example. They’ll change their docks/structure to conform to the technology and reap the immediate benefits. Then, other companies will follow suit. You, the guy who has the extreme…
The most noteworthy thing here is that the poor server Karli—if you’re out there, Karli, please get in touch—got stiffed!
just your standard off sides penalty right here.
I sort of agree with punishing celebrations simply because, before they did, it was getting out of hand. i.e. TO running to mid-field to spike the ball on the Dallas star twice. Joe Horn hiding a fucking cell phone under the uprights pads. Chad Johnson proposing to a cheerleader. Something had to be done, because it…
yea, don’t bring up our tyrannical president all the time. we’re trying to pretend none of this is happening.
“hanging and plotting together”
fantastic word choice.
“why now?”
Maybe because their window of dominance is closing quickly. They’re going for broke, while they have Brady, who will be 40 years old at the start of the season.
9. NASCAR. The whole fun of NASCAR is drinking BEFORE the race. That’s when you get to set up your RV and wander around the tailgate lot and carouse with other lunatic rednecks. That’s a good time. But once the race starts? No, fuck that. That’s torture. Waking up after a NASCAR race is like waking up after you’ve…
I’d posit that the underhand is as cheap as standing 8 feet off the baseline.
nothing but post hits for 4 minutes.
The “He has a big serve.” line reminds me of Shooter Mcgavin’s you sure crush the ball, you’d make good money traveling, hustling at driving ranges
i’m definitely not too cool for musicians. i’ll freely admit i like john mayer haha. FJM doesn’t need fans because he’s his biggest.
he falls all over himself to be clever and aloof. it’s tired.
South Carolina can’t keep its shit together WITH the federal government’s help.
I was sure this was a HamNo post at first.
but WHY are they tanking?
I thought Orton already called the shots?
this cuts quickly