
They dropped one of our players earlier in the box on a free kick and there was no call. I’m okay with this one being soft. Spain was playing overly aggressive the entire match and should’ve had more cards and kicks against them.

It wasn’t a free kick on the Spain goal, the keeper was just taking her time.

Then you missed when the Bills got back to back baby-soft 15 yard penalties in the first half to put the Broncos on the 12 and in for an easy 6.

What’d they say? I must have missed the past 9 years.

regular bananagrams doesn’t reward someone who makes the most words. just the person who finishes tiles first.

+1 grayed out/deleted comments.

Go look at those negative reviews. Literally people are complaining that they’re inflated and you’ll never get that score from a creditor or they’re too low and your number is much higher. Could it be that the calculations of credit scores is already enigmatic?

credit karma is free and is actually really good. only down side, it only covers two bureaus. but i can check credit whenever i want, get emails when my credits checked by someone/something is added to my credit/credit goes up/down.

you know what soothes me, cutting to a white guy at a desk speaking in a southern drawl saying that the statements aren’t indicative of his department. i feel better already.

explaining away flops as ‘they meant to do this’ and ‘you’re being played’ is the saddest new trend in deflection. no one can admit they’re wrong anymore.

right, so much pride at what exactly? losing a war? i live in the south, no one is celebrating any time-honored traditions from that era down here except racism. if someone tells you they’re proud of their heritage from the south, ask them which parts. there are no good answers.

Did you not know Tormund was a minor character?


i’ll put myself in a trump voter’s shoes (always a risk), and say that they hated obama, spent 8 years waiting to have their turn at the presidency, and were left with this tire fire. so now, they can’t even celebrate that fact. they’ve been shelled since day 1, and have absolutely nothing to celebrate for it. people

i don’t even like tennis, and i read all of these.

i see so much Buffalo Bills in this team.

12 packs were 3 for 10 at the grocery store this week. that’s not too bad.

it’ll be video gifs and shit.

Time management/personal responsibility, the hard way. Failing out of freshman year and having to transfer after skipping a lot of classes and generally assuming that the system would just float me on to the next year.