
i know. “he showed that he could stand up there for 80 minutes and face the nation.” no he didn’t. he showed that he could bash his enemies and rant and not answer questions that were asked. someone asked about Russia and his answer turned into Hillary did this thing and no one talks about it!!

agreed. also, Bannon has been really, really quiet. He had a lot of heat on him, and i think their strategy now is to keep him in the shadows.

facebook has a filter you can set wherein you decide what posts/pics of you show up on your timeline.

he said, at one point, that he’s changing CNN from fake news to very fake news. they cut away to the reporters and Spicer was against the wall laughing out loud with other reporters/non-reporters.

Felons convicted of arson...just use arsonists. It makes the joke punchier.

The airport works through a concessionaire to staff those food kiosks. The same concessionaires that operate in stadiums, arenas, univerisities, hospitals, and ballparks. They are experts at gouging you.

and Dan Cortese can take “celebrity” shots at any time without incurring a ‘too many men’ penalty.

oh, no, i wasn’t criticizing you. i’d never heard of it and thought the name of the act sounded like a poor man’s reboot of NCLB.

Pretty consistent.

Every Student Succeeds Act is what you get when you Google “No Child Left Behind” synonyms.

It’s my go-to move

i think that if you really thought Trump was bringing back something like, say, the coal industry, you should have to repeat high school. or, you know, attend it for the first time.   

so they call out Obama for 8 years, saying he ruined the country, he’s not a citizen, Sharia law’s coming, he’s going to take our guns, block his supreme court nomination, impeach him, he READS FROM A TELEPROMPTER, Benghaziiiiiiii!!!11!!!! etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. and now they pick one of the most incompetent

i think the real ones he’s starred in are good enough:
“the president’s neck is missing” and “here comes the metric system”

calm down, bro. your most probably scenario is 10.5 of your guys run down the field at full speed and then coming to a stop as a guy from the other team kneels it in the end zone or calls for a fair catch.

Tiger was out there, ready to crush them. He’s just a broken-down, horny old guy now. But back then? THE BOGEYMAN.

agreed. the right screaming that they want America great again. hey, here’s your nationalistic, xenophobic candidate running the country. how ya likin things? not so fucking great is it.

The video shows vcu taking the final shot. I realize a cameraman is on the court but does that count?

i know this sounds obvious, but it apparently hasn’t been to the teams playing New England: YOU CANT TRADE TDs for FGs WITH NEW ENGLAND AND WIN. IF YOU ARE INSIDE THEIR 20 AND IT’S 4th DOWN, GO FOR IT. THEY WILL SCORE TDs ON YOU. YOU WILL NOT WIN WITH 3 POINTS. DONT EVEN BOTHER.