Yeah, it actually surprises me that the articles says vets disagree with the government on this. Every vet I’ve ever been to has pushed for indoor cats and the healthier and likely longer lives they’d have by not being exposed to the outdoors.
Yeah, it actually surprises me that the articles says vets disagree with the government on this. Every vet I’ve ever been to has pushed for indoor cats and the healthier and likely longer lives they’d have by not being exposed to the outdoors.
Cats should be kept indoors at all times. It increases the lifespan of cats, improves the health of cats, and keeps them from destroying native wildlife. Also, I really do not understand why cat owners and cat owners alone have the right to let their animals leave shit, dug up landscaping, and dead birds all over your…
Good job at playing at people’s emotions with your clickbait headline. But if you actually looked at the article you linked to you would see that the so called “cat cull” is only targeted at the feral cats that are causing havoc.
Good. Cats have devastated the ecology there. They are non-native and destructive. Imagine people being allowed to let their pet rats or ferrets or birds just run around semi-feral.
On top of that, there is a budget, and most of it isn’t tax money. There are endowment funds and historical funds and all sorts of crazy loopholes (I say loopholes in the sense that it’s not tax money but it’s still not THEIR money).
I’m sure this person cares about fertilized zygotes so much that encourages his wife, daughters, granddaughters, etc to save all those unborn by becoming foster uterii.
so what you’re saying is that my tax money is being used to investigate the completely legal practice of organ/tissue donation?
Unfortunately, that probably means his staff will bear a lot of abuse because there’s no way he answers the phone/reads the mail at the office. And I’m sure they don’t love him either but a job is a job.
Essentially, yes. I don’t agree with hunting animals like that at all. If I were Queen, there’d be a moratorium against it, frankly.
Oh, and he’s been charged with poaching before.
Thanks for your input, but it’s actually a reference to “Prairie Home Companion.”
“ Self defense is not the only “lawful” killing. “ Hence, the use of “for example”
He participated in questionably legal hunting tours, and even broke the rules during those. He’s being attacked by a vocal group of people protesting his actions.
If he truly believes that what he does is right, he won’t mind losing his career because people don’t want to give him his business. I’m sure there are…
A step up from that and they might not even offer to bring over a hot dish. Then you know you’re Minnesota screwed.
It’s not hyperbole. Veterans aren’t all callously slaughtering enemies; if so, suicide rates among vets wouldn’t be so high, we wouldn’t see mental issues in field or at home, other than living in a country filled with sociopaths. They may do some shitty things to get through what they’re dealing with but it’s not the…
That actually goes back to the 1o commandments, so it is a pretty old concept. For example: Self defense is killing. It is not murder.
actually, no. Murder is unlawful killing. Not all killing is murder.
“Where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.”