
In Sudanese Arabic, you say ‘aye’ or ‘aye-wa’ for yes and polite yes, respectively. Just to add to the list.

This would make perfect sense IF the thing you used to take a smaller amount of ice cream out of a larger container was called a ‘dipper’ in the way that the same implement used for water is. But it is in fact called a scoop, so I’m going to judge this an after-the-fact justification. Which is fine in and of itself,

I had my own moment of total lack of understanding about Steak & Shake - we also don’t have them where I come from. For some reason (the name. The reason is the name) I imagined that it was a cheap chain of steakhouses. So I asked my friends, “So, what’s the shake?” because I couldn’t fathom that people would want to

I have a generally shitty memory, and have a hard time remembering ANYTHING in detail between one day and the next. The only way this ever works to my advantage at all is that I’ve literally never woken up still angry about something, although that feeling can creep back in during the day. Honestly, the best way to

I generally don’t get negged, but I DO get uninspiring men of no particular career or credentials arguing with me about topics relevant to my academic and professional career (foreign policy). And on the one hand, fine, like all of the social sciences there’s room for disagreement among even the highest echelon of

Common-law marriages don't even exist in the vast majority of the US states, so it's not like they're a help for most people regardless of circumstances.

I never understand people who are, essentially, saying "Why are you using the most flabbergastingly amazing communication tool ever invented (the internet) to communicate things that I, personally, am not interested in (or I, personally, would not communicate/communicate in this way." It's the internet. If the most

This article couldn't be more timely, as I just opened negotiations to adopt a cat from a local rescue - I decided not to go with the local animal control because this will be my first cat, and I wanted someone who really knew the cat - like the foster keeper - to be able to tell me specifics about personality, so I

I've never gotten Jennifer Grey, just Leelee and Helen Hunt, which makes sense since they both look a lot like each other.

I've had multiple people describe my feet as "elegant" (to my eyes, they're mostly just "big") and I credit that to giving them a multi-year break from the heels between the ages of 18 to 23. No bunions for me!

This definitely happens. I lived in Sudan for a bit, and one of my best friends who had NO marrying prospects 10 months ago when I left is now getting married. To her cousin. It’s super-tough there, because you’re not really supposed to date, which leads to the question of how you even meet people outside your family,

I definitely do. I'm tall (5'10") but due I think to being in an unusually tall class in high school, I didn't actually realize how tall I was comparatively until I moved away to college. I regularly wore 3 inch heels in high school, and literally never noticed that it made me gigantic. Then I went to college and

I always get Leelee Sobieski, among people old enough to remember who Leelee Sobieski is. She's got a thinner nose than me, and I have worse skin, but I think she's a pretty good person to look like.

I do this. My standard is always to be about two steps above the required formality for anything, like work or whatever. And it makes me really unhappy when I'm in a situation where I can't live up to that - for example, when I was in Sudan, I had to bring lots of flowy loose sleeved t-shirts and skirts that when

I realized a few years ago how much I don't really know what I look like. I was with some friends in a cramped museum gift shop, and a girl came in who apparently looked so much like me that one of my friends started talking to her, before he realized that she wasn't wearing the right clothes. That's got to be a

Sorry, but if someone is coming over once a week to give you orgasms without being paid, that's a relationship. They may not be dating, it may not be serious, but it clearly works for both of them, so everyone screaming "she's never going to make this work for her!" is instantly, verifiably wrong.

This reminds me SO HARD of the post going around on Tumblr that's like, "Are you sure you'd limit a good relationship prospect because of someone being racist or homophobic?" and obviously the answer is YES, there is no such thing as a "good prospect" that includes someone being racist or homophobic! If that means I

Sarah has poor reading skills (she doesn't understand, somehow, that the man who agrees to this arrangement has already been found, despite it being clearly stated), and also doesn't know how to edit posts once she's hit 'enter'.

This is literally the only cogent response to this I've seen. Everything else is either dudes tripping over their own tongues to assert either a) they wouldn't be caught DEAD with a woman like this (because having a partner unwillingly perform services for you - so sexy!) or b) they LOVE LOVE LOVE performing

She's literally already found someone to do this. She's not looking "harder" or at all.