
This happened to me at a party but minus the phone - some girl showed up at my friends' Xmas party this year, no one knew her, she just said she lived in that apartment building & was coming by to say hi. I didn't think anything of it, until one of the girls who lived there said this stranger girl had gotten really

I can't possibly get upset about this on any level. This is pretty much the dress code among any population that wears "modest" clothing but not "special" clothing (that is, they don't have a distinct covering garment or make all their own clothes). When I lived in Sudan, women who weren't wearing traditional clothes

I love Free People/Anthropologie shoes, but tell me this: when you're shopping on FP's website, why do their search filters for sizes go by two size increments? Like, I can shop for size 10 & size 11 together, but not size 11 by itself. Which is dumb, because I am not a size 10 and it's showing me all this stuff I

Um hello how fucking marvelous are you? Two thousand five hundred and six marvelous. That is how many marvelous.

I also buy a lot of secondhand stuff online - mostly eBay. I'm lucky because while I'm taller than most, I'm also the body type a lot of clothes are designed to fit - which is to say, fairly thin everywhere and no big discrepancies like huge boobs and a tiny waist that designers don't account for. But I think that

You're kidding - so you can get a discount at a take-away, but not to buy ingredients to cook for yourself? Sounds dire, and I say that as someone who loves to not cook.

A noble aspiration for us all.

Hey, I'm just telling you what I was told, in another country, by a professional from that country who was trying to help us get hired there. That's not even an opinion, let alone an ignorant one. That is an anecdote about a story that happened to me personally, that has been backed up by at least two people in this

You have never seen a group of people so monumentally offended as the Greek lifers in the group angrily defending the greatness of their choices.

Not to mention that if the hair tapers at all, it tapers the other way, from bush to knee.

None of what's at that link is explaining to me how this personal appearance guideline bullshit is preparing you for an actual job in a professional workplace. The day I see Barbara Boxer with plastic appended to her fingernails, or Elena Kagan rocking a spray tan, I'll revise my opinion.

Let me just tell you, if you roll up to a job interview at any office in DC with a french manicure, 7-layer-nacho-dip makeup, and hair straightened to hell, you're not getting the job. It's the most conservative major city there is, where by conservative I mean actually conservative, not "dress up like your

Yes, they have dining halls, sometimes multiple options, and sometimes/usually one or more on-campus franchises of popular fast food chains. But then, it's not like the UK where you can get discounts on nearly everything at every shop with your student ID - the same savings come from a different system.

Paige is waiting until the pledges are all settled in before bringing her Let's Bring Back Toe Rings! referrendum to the table.

Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers are not allowed to fire or force a woman to leave if she becomes pregnant. I don't see why that wouldn't apply here.

The pope's recent actions are so far from being relevant to this Baptist church that I'm annoyed by this comment.

The only problem with it is it'll gunk up your razor something awful. The good part about shaving foam and even conditioner is it tends to wash out of the blades.

women's leg hair generally tapers off to nothing around the upper thighs.

The only good news here is she's gonna be able to take an extended maternity leave with all the $$ she's going to get from suing them.

Did I misread something to come away feeling that this was at least a bit supportive? I mean, that photoshop thing is awful and meanspirited and transphobic, and the magazines should see some repercussions of that. I wouldn't piss on Kris Jenner if she was on fire, but on a scale of 1 to her normal famemongering, this