
Assuming that this isn't staged (which I'm starting to believe it is), how would the grenade be able to travel all the way down the barrel, through the loading hatch and detonate in the crew compartment?

Also, is it possible that the first blast was a grenade that didn't go down the barrel?

Of course, it probably won't hurt to claim a couple of Civics' or Scoobys' scalps along the way ^_^

That's brilliant. Whaddya think of this Lincoln doing the same thing?

Well, you gotta start 'em young...

And the worst part is, you get all the blame for rear-ending him. Infuriating, I'd imagine...

I'm sorry guys, maybe it's because I'm a foreigner, but could someone explain why the Eclipse is uncool? After all, in coupe form at least it's a pretty neat looking little thing, and it had some pretty decent engines too, no? Also, are you referring only to the latest Eclipse or the whole model's history as well

What was that about?

Never seen Rodney King used as a verb before. Kudos, you made me lol at 2 in the morning

My thinking was that if he'd hit the fence maybe a metre further on, at the next section of fencing, the car wouldn't have gotten snagged so badly.

I could be wrong, but it looked to me like the crash was made worse than it could have been by the fact that Larson's car seemed to hit the exact spot where there's a gap in the fence (weak spot?) for the TV camera, hence getting snagged and tossed around

x213 drift combo

Oh, do tell...

I don't suppose you hung about to hear what the paramedics had to say?

Just to clarify - you hit someone you were in convoy with? None of your belongings damaged I hope?

I myself am in the army, and although I've never seen how they behave in the outside world, officers tend to be very polite and reasonable, so it was really a surprise for me to see how little common sense that pair you described seemed to have.

Looks like the car might actually have survived such a huge jump, and live on to hoon another day

How sad that these kinds of people are the ones leading your troops into combat in the Middle East.

Yup, bet it'd be pretty insane there

To the best of my knowledge, we haven't seen a G55 or 63 AMG in any game, have we?