Please say that to your significant other when their superior gives her (or him) a light pat on the bottom at work. That doesn’t hurt either, but condemning such behavior unacceptable is not a “dumb mistake” in the slightest.
Please say that to your significant other when their superior gives her (or him) a light pat on the bottom at work. That doesn’t hurt either, but condemning such behavior unacceptable is not a “dumb mistake” in the slightest.
Nobody ever said it his firing was a mistake, they just said BBC couldn’t afford to lose him.
I’ll have to remember that the next time I’m about to embark on a full restoration. Just sprinkle trace amounts of cocaine into the car, go to checkpoint, then sit back and relax as all the disassembly work is being done for free.
It's not a "track day" in the same sense as in the US. They hold "Touristenfahren", literally tourist drives. Most people aren't wearing any sort of safety gear at all. (See any of the numerous vids on Youtube.) And it is "run what ya brung"—you'll see a good amount of performance cars, true, but you'll also see dang…
Give it time... Harris and Reid are very good together for example. Sure Matt is bit off but I don’t think it will last. And I think Eddie Jordan should remain borderline senile, it’s actually getting fun to watch.
I think people are being far too harsh on the new Top Gear. I thought it was as entertaining as the majority episodes of old Top Gear. The chemistry amongst the hosts isn’t quite there yet but I didn’t think it was bad either.
54 character that you wrote prove that you are liar. If your statement would be true, your comment would not even exist.
Something about the idea of Valet Key Autocrossing seems exciting. VKAUTOX for short? Watch this car do a 5 minute autocross run even though it can hit a 100 in 6 seconds. I love it
Is it just me, or isn’t this kind of scooter guy’s fault? He practically stopped in the intersection instead of at the stop line. So, I’m guessing blue truck stopped in an effort to not hit him assuming he was going to run a red light, and that’s how the accident happened...
It’s obviously not completely foolproof, or we wouldn’t have those photos for reference would we?
“...and am only angry they didn’t arrest more of the cyclist.”
I’m pretty sure they arrested the entire guy. ;)
Victim blaming at it’s finest. It was the girl’s fault she got raped. Did you see how slutty she was dressed? And it was that little nerdy kid’s fault he got beat up. He shouldn’t have gotten a Pokemon backpack for the bully to make fun of. You’re mentality is absolutely asinine.
I mean, I’m pretty solid on the whole Accept/Ignore the World Around You thing. I think I was just hoping for an answer that was purposefully helpful at face value. Maybe too much to ask?
If you haven’t, please register as an organ donor:…
There was a cover band convention nearby. Casualties include 110 Johns, 96 Pauls, 103 Georges, and 82 Ringos.
How it really went down:
“Oh shit! It’s the cops! I have to get off the phone! I’ll call you la....AAAKK...GHKKK....!!!!”
The overrun popping’s a little too contrived.
Are we sure its a LaFerrari and not a FaLerrari? A cheap knockoff?
When i shot this, I had to sit on the passenger side window ledge, using my left hand to hold onto the handle with my ass half dangling mid-air, and my right hand crossing atop my left arm while i pinch them against the door and snap the pic. This was before I discovered rig shots. So this human rig had to endure…