rate of ware on tires and brakes
rate of ware on tires and brakes
“rate of ware”...really?
Remember when Jalopnik actually wrote stories about how they tested vehicles instead of writing about how a Youtuber made a video about it?
Clicks and money, obviously. Jalopnik only claims “speed kills” if they can also monetize it. They’d happily put up any contradictory piece if it makes them money. Hypocrisy is not a word with which they are familiar.
Quite a juxtaposition between this and the article about the 6 people killed by the person who was speeding. We’re giving this new “record” attention why?
Exactly - I have zero issue with trans inclusion outside this one issue. The conversation needs to be had, but it’s being weaponized by the anti-trans so much to even say that much starts getting you labeled in the same group.
While this is an excellent way for transphobes to find a way to be exclusionary towards trans people - is the argument that people who go through a male puberty would have an unfair advantage in female sports so outlandish?
Because a biologically female body would not perform well against biologically male bodies, in most sports. On the other hand, a biologically male body will perform very well against a biologically female body in any sport.
It seems disingenuous to say that this is simply an attack on trans athletes and that it’s not about protecting fair competition for female athletes when there is no one pushing for banning trans men from competition. If it were just about oppressing trans people there would be blanket bans, not only bans based on…
It is a tough situation. I want everyone to be able to pursue their goals, but I agree with the ruling. Transgender women who go through male puberty before transitioning have a natural advantage that is proven by science. It isn’t fairly to biological women to have to compete with them. Maybe we need new categories…
If a legion of men had reacted to a few dates/dating app text conversation not working out the way the women on Tik Tok have reacted to West Elm Caleb, they would be called incels.
Costco stopped carrying them once the TL series was released.
Don’t leave your mother******* bag on the mother******* bench in the mother******* locker room!
MuchoMacho tires instead of MuchoDinero tires may portend other low-cost maintenance shortcuts.
“I’m sorry for hurting your feelings” would be better.
When someone “apologizes” with an “if I did what you said I did” vibe discounts the other person’s experience and minimizes their feelings. The “if” suggests the other person is disingenuous and may be trying to get sympathy for what the speaker considers “no big deal” or “it was just a joke” , rather than…
“I’m a nice guy.”
“Do you know who I am?”
“I’m brutally honest.”
“You’ll change your mind.”
“Because I can.”
Anything having to do with being an “alpha”
“You’re so sensitive.”
“You’ve just lost a customer.”
“I tell it like it is.”
“Sorry, I can’t help it, I’m a [insert zodiac sign].”
“Don’t give me excuses.”
“I’m just asking…
In Jalopnik news: A V8 with no mufflers and ITBs sounds like a muscle car.
People do get information from all kinds of sources. In this case the source is someone with no actual expertise on the topic. This is the worst sort of garbage.
You should also by that same token be honest about the media they are reading it from, and this is not an accredited website.
The problem is that some of these listed require some levels of nuances, like: “Confiding your personal problems to them”
How many millennials are now complaining about the lack of transparency…