
No mention of Matt Farah among the clout chasing idiots that have endangered people's lives... Curious...

The biggest issue with this is going to be not only availability of the parts, but the condition of the parts when they arrive at the shop. I work in a top-shelf shop that used to see a lot of Teslas. We stopped taking them in because the wait for parts was usually measured in months and we had up to 1/2 of our

I work in a body shop that sees a lot of Teslas. As far as assembly goes, the Model S is a steaming pile of hot garbage. Every time I start tearing one down, at some point I end up looking at the car, thinking to myself “what the everloving fuck is Tesla thinking?”

If you start cutting their nails when they’re young, they’ll grow to tolerate it. They’ll also let you know when it’s time to do so because they’ll start going at the furniture again. Usually every 2 weeks is all it takes.

A video producer that gets it and leaves the music off is as rare a thing as a day at Jalopnik without a slideshow

Chevy SS: Counterpoint from a 2017 SS owner. It drinks a LOT of gas for only 415 horsepower (12-14 mpg in-town is normal), the interior quality is typical GM dressed up with some suede bits, the infotainment system is abysmal and lacking in things that were standard for 2017 - like Android Auto and CarPlay,

I love how Jake seems to come off as looking down his nose at the redditors when in fact, they’re absolutely spot-on correct in regard to the placement of the screen.

This is the same place that continuously sucked-off Matt Farah whenever he posted a video of him “testing” a car on CA canyon roads - well in excess of posted speed limits.

Um... the bluetooth volume thing - I have that same era Porsche. Turn the volume up on your phone, not the radio, until the phone’s level is max. Problem solved.

Interesting that the hyperlinks are being stripped out of this thread. Not that you couldn’t have googled the quotes and gotten there yourself, but here you go... Please google the titles of the studies below and you’ll get to them.

How to tell me you didn’t read the study without saying “I didn’t read the study”. The entire thing is focused on trans athletes and its main purpose is to measure athletic ability as well as muscle mass, lung capacity, oxygen levels in blood during exercise, time-to-failure, bone density, grip strength and other

It’s anti science to ignore evidence that has shown that post-op male to female trans women retain around 88% of their strength, even after 10 years of testosterone suppression therapy and being a 1 nmol/l (equivalent of a CIS female). Here is one such study. There are many, many more you can find via Google

There have been and continue to be emerging scientific studies that show that even well past post-op, trans women retain 95% of their strength even 1 year after starting testosterone suppressive therapy.

How to tell everyone you know nothing about muscular structure differences between men and women without actually saying “I know nothing about muscular structure differences between men and women”

“Any 90's BMW”
LOL. Go look at what E34 M5's are going for and get back to me. 

So was Caleb dating these women or was he married? Last time I checked, dating (unless specifically in a committed relationship) means you can date other people... 

These do not have rod bearing problems. They have valve seal problems.

Interesting timing. I tried a Delta-8 gummy from Binoid yesterday and it was really, really strong. I’d been stepping into them by eating 1/3, then 1/2, then the whole gummy. The difference between 1/2 and 1 was oddly disproportionate and it really rocked me. I was also still feeling the effects 9 hours later. Here it

Bouncing shifter: Give the engine and trans mounts a look. The upside is that they’re not terribly difficult to replace, and the parts are stupid cheap.

I have one and use it all the time for all sorts of work. They’re awesome tools and anyone that says they’re “terrifying” (LOL) probably shouldn’t be working on cars anyway. These are no more dangerous than any other lift. Respect the tool, RTFM, and use your brain and you will be rewarded handsomely.

Costco regularly