
“Since the new imperialism of the 19th century, fossil fuels have become the metaphorical, material, and sociotechnical basis of Western petrocultures that extend across the planet...” “...fossil fuels matter to new authoritarian movements in the West because of profits and consumer lifestyles, but also because

If there is one opinion I want on cars, it’s “academic” associate professor of political science and definite car enthusiast Cara Daggett, who seem to be another cog in relentless corporate-university-government leviathan of perpetual finger-wagging.

Neither would a $3,000 fine, or being summarily beheaded on the side of the road for that matter—as long as people can break the law for years and years with no consequence, the size of the penalty doesn’t mean squat.

And don’t forget the billy club and glass breaker in the door pocket.

Have to say, the patches on the inside were exactly what I expected. 

pretty sure my skin color is too dark for him to consider selling this to me.

He looks like he built this thing to run into BLM protest crowds.

No, Rich is firmly in the “elder millennial” camp. He’s 35.

I’m an Elder Millennial as well, and Rich is consistently the writer at Jez with the worst takes on almost everything because he views everything through the lens of his NYC existence and basically has no touchstone to anything else.  It is baffling how

Only we Gen-Xers know the true power of APATHY!

The most Gen-Z thing is to complain about how something is not good enough, while enjoying the freedom to partake in the thing you are actually complaining about without any fear of being physically beaten or arrested.

It reminds me of all the younger generations who wanted to “cancel” gay pride parades because of how

While we’re on the subject of failures, why don’t you eat some avocado toast or something that Millennials supposedly do instead of buying houses and diamonds? Are you really mad that instead of fixing the world up the way you want it to be, we spent our youth getting fucked up and piercing ourselves in strange

Oh fuck off.
The failure of Gen-X in the 90's. GTFOH.
Who has been in power for the entirety of that time and is just now started to every so slightly lose some of that power? Fucking Boomers.
True Gen-Xers have always been about inclusion and societal fairness. The “whatever” generational label had nothing to do with

WTF does this even mean?

“Failure of Gen X.” I’m not sure in what magical land a “success” could have happened. Or how you would define a “success.” People may change their views over the course of a lifetime, and some not at all. Cultures change even slower than individuals. Seems a bit unfair to blame Gen X just because they furthered the

Frankly, I’m surprised a unibody vehicle with a cut and welded C-pillar would even be allowed to be back on the road, let alone sold as a vehicle with minor imperfections.

Spot on. Not that the author is wrong necessarily, but she’s definitely cherry-picking. A quick google search turns up articles on how to sew, how to bake, how to change diapers, how to be more empathetic...

Hmm. It’s almost as if we’re reading an article about what feminists think men think masculinity is...

Just playing devil’s advocate here...

“... your weird friend on the day after a poorly-chosen haircut experiment”