190 lb. weakling

I’m not even saying this as a bitter Minnesota fan, but...

Domestic violence is often accompanied by psychological abuse as well. Lots of victims of domestic violence may not see incidents as patterns but rather as isolated (and they may see the abuser for his/her mask rather than the pain that he/she inflicts), may fear for their lives if they escape, or may have other

What in the quick-skimming, stupid non-reading hell is this comment?

Unless they’re paying me to watch “Hillary’s America”, you are an idiot whose drivel should not be ungreyed.  Go find yourself a cloud to yell at.

Unless they’re paying me to watch “Hillary’s America”, you are an idiot whose drivel should not be ungreyed.  Go

They’re somehow all named John Barron.

Settle down there, Monsignor.

Even better -- the Marlins have still not won a division title and have 2 WS titles.

The movie version is breathtaking, though.

Probably something about standing for the national anthem.

I’ve been actively trying to decide if this is insulting one or the other.

I’m surprised that they’re trying to make a go of putting him in gen. pop.

Memba when the Braves and Cubs were all you could see on cable?

Moral of the story: Never trust a guy who calls himself “Shady”.

The ghosts of Earl Weaver, Babe Ruth and Jose Canseco’s testicles are joining forces to beat the ever-loving shit out of Francoeur.

“Heavy is the head that wears the MRSA crown” - Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ locker room

On “Songbird”, it was soprano saxophone.

It’s amazing to think that the most powerful person in the State of Ohio is now an unassuming Title IX coordinator who did not expect this spotlight.  Godspeed, sir or ma’am.

That enraged me as well.

I am proud to have given this its first star.

I don’t see any tossed salads