190 lb. weakling

Ed Sprague signed an autograph for me before a Twins game. All the collectors were mobbing him, so I did, too. Figured out who he was later. He made a fan for life that day.

And he, like Ringo, has blisters on his fingers.

Nate Silver?

The Winnetka, Illinois Jaguars would be an interesting draw.

Agreed, except for one very minor quibble: The take wasn’t even that hot.

Where did they play last year?

Duke Williams as well as twice with “Swag Kelly”.

This is the waiver trade deadline — players have to clear waivers or be traded only to the team that claimed them.

I feel like Magic is going to blame it on his aides.

Not for long. Very few ADA/DA/State’s Attorneys would want to bring that particular case to trial.

With Charlie Sheen’s dick, preferably.

Don’t forget Kid Rock and Ted Nugent.

That is some heavy-duty user name symmetry there.

Nothing is MRSA funny. Except AID(e)S funny. (South Park allows it.)

Urban Dictionary doesn’t have anything on this thing, so...

Didn’t he say that last year, too?

Hey, fuck you, we had a Sex Boat, too.

As someone who’s watched the “air fryer” infomercial six times in a row, “too drunk to use the remote” needs to be thrown in the mix there.

That depth chart reads like “let’s not remember some guys”.

But, according to Breitbart, the Jews control all of it, so...